In your controller, you can use the templating engine to generate the content of your response, basicaly HTML content.

2 helper functions are present to do this job : render and renderRaw

The main difference is that renderRaw returns the rendered code (string) whereas render returns a response (\Thelia\Core\HttpFoundation\Response). That is, renderRaw('response.html') and render('response.html') will both attempt to render the response.html template: the former will simply return HTML rather an object.


Something.php :

namespace MyModule\Controller;

use Thelia\Controller\Front\BaseFrontController;

class Something extends BaseFrontController
    public function viewAction($productId)
        // ...
        return $this->render('mytemplate', ['product_id' => $productId]);

By default, the template file to render is located inside your module in the templates directory. Then, in one of the following directories depending of the context of the request : frontOffice, backOffice, pdf, email. And finally in the directory with the same name of you current template (in the current context)

mytemplate.html :

{loop type="product" name="mymodule.product" id="{$product_id}"}
    {* Do something with product *}

Overrides and fallbacks

When you call the render function inside your module, Thelia will apply the following set of rules to find the file that will be rendered.

Example : if we use the frontOffice template mytemplate, and render myrender file inside mymodule module :

  1. Thelia will first test if file templates/frontOffice/mytemplate/myrender.html exists and will use it.
  2. Then it will search for templates/frontOffice/mytemplate/modules/mymodule/myrender.html.
  3. Then it will try /local/modules/mymodule/templates/frontOffice/mytemplate/myrender.html.
  4. By default, Thelia will stop here and generate an error if the file was not found. However, if you’ve set the $useFallbackTemplatevariable to true in your controller (this is the default), Thelia will enventually use /local/modules/mymodule/templates/frontOffice/*default*/myrender.html.

This way, you can override a module’s template file either in the front office template (rule 2), or in the in the module’s template directory (rule 3)

namespace MyModule\Controller;

use Thelia\Controller\Front\BaseFrontController;

class MyController extends BaseFrontController
    protected $useFallbackTemplate = true;
    public function viewAction($productId)
        // ...
        return $this->render('mytemplate', ['product_id' => $productId]);