Sale Loop
Sale loop provides an access to sale operations defined on your shop.
{loop type="sale" name="the-loop-name" [argument="value"], [...]}
Important informations :
* : argument is required
** : at least one of ** marked argument is required
Global arguments
Argument | Description |
backend_context |
Determine if loop is use in backend context. default : false example : backend_context="on" |
force_return |
force return result for i18n tables even if there is no record default : false example : force_return="on" |
limit |
The maximum number of results to display. example : limit="10" |
name * |
The loop name. This name must be unique and is used to reference this loop further in the page (see ifloop, elseloop or pageloop) |
offset |
The first product to display offset. Will not be used if `page` argument is set. default : 0 example : offset="1" |
page |
The page to display. example : page="2" |
Text search arguments
Argument | Description |
search_in |
A comma separeted list of field in which the search is performed
Possible values : sale_label, title, chapo, description, postscriptum
example : search_in="title" |
search_mode |
the search mode : `any_word` (search any word separeted by a space), `sentence` (the sentence, anywhere in the field) or `strict_sentence` (the exact sentence) default : strict_sentence |
search_term |
The term to search example : search_term="my product" |
Loop arguments
Argument | Description |
active |
A boolean value, to get only active (1) or inactive sales (0) or both (*) default : 1 example : active="1" |
currency |
A currency id, to get the price offset defined for this currency default : The current shop currency example : currency="1" |
exclude |
A single or a list of sale ids to excluded from results. example : id="2", id="1,4,7" |
id |
A single or a list of sale ids. example : id="2", id="1,4,7" |
order |
A list of values
Expected values :
default : manual example : order="random" |
product |
A single or a list of product IDs. If specified, the loop will return the sales in which these products are selected example : id="2", id="1,4,7" |
Global outputs
Variable | Description |
$LOOP_COUNT | the current results index, starting from 1 |
$LOOP_TOTAL | the total number of results returned by the loop |
$CREATE_DATE | The creation date of this Sale |
$UPDATE_DATE | The last modification date of this Sale |
Loop outputs
Variable | Description |
$ACTIVE | true if the sale is active, false otherwise |
$CHAPO | the sale chapo |
$DESCRIPTION | the sale description |
$DISPLAY_INITIAL_PRICE | true if the products initial price should be displayed, false otherwise |
$END_DATE | the sale end date |
$HAS_END_DATE | true if the sale has a end date, false otherwise |
$HAS_START_DATE | true if the sale has a start date, false otherwise |
$ID | the content id |
$IS_TRANSLATED | check if the content is translated |
$LOCALE | the locale (e.g. fr_FR) of the returned data |
$POSTSCTIPTUM | the sale postscriptum |
$PRICE_OFFSET_SYMBOL | the offset unit symbol, % for a percentage, the currency symbol for an amount |
$PRICE_OFFSET_TYPE | the price offset type, P for a percentage, A for an amount |
$PRICE_OFFSET_VALUE | the price offset value, as a percentage (0-100) or a constant amount. |
$SALE_LABEL | the sale advertising label |
$START_DATE | the sale start date |
$TITLE | the sale title |