customer lost password
{form name="thelia.front.customer.lostpassword" }
Important informations :
* : field is mandatory
name | Description |
email * |
customer email address |
{form name="thelia.front.customer.lostpassword"}
<form id="form-forgotpassword" action="{url path="/password"}" method="post">
{form_hidden_fields form=$form}
<p>{intl l="Please enter your email address below."} {intl l="You will receive a link to reset your password."}</p>
{form_field form=$form field="email"}
<div class="form-group group-email {if $error}has-error{elseif !$error && $value != ""}has-success{/if}">
<label for="{$label_attr.for}">{$label}</label>
<div class="control-input">
<input type="email" name="{$name}" value="{$value}" id="{$label_attr.for}" class="form-control" maxlength="255" aria-required="true" autofocus required>
{if $error}
<span class="help-block">{$message}</span>
{elseif !$error && $value != ""}
<span class="help-block"><span class="icon-ok"></span> {intl l="You will receive a link to reset your password."}</span>
<div class="group-btn">
<a href="{url path="/login"}" class="btn btn-cancel">{intl l="Cancel"}</a>
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-forgot">{intl l="Send"}</button>