Development : Types
Types allows you to ensure a string has the expected format.
Types must implement Thelia\Type\TypeInterface.
Here are the Thelia 2 default available types :
- Thelia\Type\AlphaNumStringListType - A comma separated list of alpha-numeric strings.
- Thelia\Type\AlphaNumStringType - A single alpha-numeric strings.
- Thelia\Type\AnyType - Anything.
- Thelia\Type\BooleanOrBothType - A boolean or “both” string.
- Thelia\Type\BooleanType - A boolean.
- Thelia\Type\EnumListType (array $enumChoice) - A list of value from $enumChoice array.
- Thelia\Type\EnumType (array $enumChoice) - A single value from $enumChoice array.
- Thelia\Type\FloatType - A float value.
- Thelia\Type\IntListType - A list of integers.
Thelia\Type\IntToCombinedIntsListType - A list of int related to combined - with or & - ints. ie : “1 : 4 & 5 & 6, 2 : (9 10) & 7” -
Thelia\Type\IntToCombinedStringsListType - A list of int related to combined - with or & - strings. ie : “1 : foo0 & foo1 & foo2, 2 : (bar0 bar1) & bar2” - Thelia\Type\IntType - A single integer.
- Thelia\Type\JsonType - A json string.