How form works ?

With Thelia 2, form management is completely new. Each form has a dedicated class allowing to control many things like validation, default values, etc.

Form in Thelia 2 use Forms Symfony component. We made a wrapper that initializes all form processing for you, you just have to declare all your fields and to define options on each field manually, such as validation. You can now use form types. Using form process is not mandatory but highly recommended !

Form lifecycle

A form is displayed using a Thelia template. When this form is submitted, the data are processed by a Thelia action.

If the form is successfully processed, the customer is redirected to a success URL, which is defined by the ‘success_url’ form field (remember: Thelia navigation is completely driven by your templates)

If the form cannot be processed, the form “action” attribute is then used. Thus, setting the form action URL to the current view is a good way to process errors. If it’s not clear, see the form template below.

How to declare your forms ?

Like loops, you have to declare your form in config file using <forms> and <form> elements :

    <form name="mymodule.customer.creation" class="MyModule\Form\CustomerCreation"/>
    <form name="mymodule.customer.modification" class="MyModule\Form\CustomerModification"/>

In the <forms> element, the number of forms is not limited, declare as many form you as you want. For each form, you should define a unique name, and provide the full qualified name for class path (remember: your module must be PSR-0 compliant).

The form name is mandatory, and will be used in your templates in order to display the form.

How to create a form ?

Each form class must extend Thelia\Form\BaseForm. This class is abstract and you have to overload at least buildForm and getName methods.

getName method

The getName method must return the name of your form. A good practice is to return the same name as the one defined in the <form> configuration element.

This value is used by thelia for dispatching two events. Those two events names are composed of Thelia\Core\Event\TheliaEvents::FORM_BEFORE_BUILD and Thelia\Core\Event\TheliaEvents::FORM_AFTER_BUILD suffixed with a point and your form name.

You can listen to those events this way:

public static function getSubscribedEvents()
	return array(
		\Thelia\Core\Event\TheliaEvents::FORM_BEFORE_BUILD . ".my_form_name" => array("method", 128),

buildForm method

The buildForm method defines all the fields of the form, and the fields options, such as for each label and field validation constraints.

$this->formBuilder is the Symfony FormFactoryInterface object, and is used to create your form fields :

public function buildForm()
    $this->formBuilder->add("field name", "field type", array of options);

add method always returns the formBuilder instance, so you can chain the methods for adding fields :

public function buildForm()
        ->add("field name", "type", array("label" => "field label")
        ->add("other field", "type", array("label" => "other field label");

Validatation constraints

You can add constraints for all your fields, so that the form system will automatically detect errors. For this part we delegate all the constraints on the Symfony Validator component. You can also create your own validator, following the Symfony validator guidelines.

The list of available validator constrains is here :


Some (but not all) of Symphony form definition attributes are supported :

name The name HTML attribute, and the form field name.
constraints An array of constraints to be checked against the field value
value The value that will be used when rendering (commonly the value HTML attribute).
read_only If true, readonly="readonly" is added to the field.
disabled If true, disabled="disabled" is added to the field.
required If true, a required attribute is added to the field to activate HTML5 validation.
max_length Adds a maxlength HTML attribute to the element.
label The string label that will be rendered.
attr A key-value array that will be rendered as HTML attributes on the field.
label_attr A key-value array that will be rendered as HTML attributes on the label.

Form types / extensions

This functionality is only available since version 2.1

You can register form types or extensions, or event type extensions by using three tags.

Form types

To create a form type, you must create a class that extends Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractType

Then define buildForm and/or setDefaultOptions to create your type. You may also extend another type by overriding getParent.

When you’re done, in your config.xml, just add the service like this :

<service id="your_type_id" class="Your\Super\Form\Type">
	<tag name="thelia.form.type" />

Form extension

To register a form extension, you have to use the tag thelia.form.extension

<service id="your_extension_id" class="Your\Super\Form\Extension">
        <tag name="thelia.form.extension" />

Form type extension

To register a form type extension, you have to use the tag thelia.form.type_extension

<service id="your_type_extension_id" class="Your\Super\Form\Type\Extension">
        <tag name="thelia.form.type_extension" />

Unlike full-stack symfony, we register form types name directly with their “getName” method, not with an alias.


Below a complete form example, the customer creation form.

In the config.xml file, we declare the form like this :

    <form name="thelia.customer.creation" class="Thelia\Form\CustomerCreation"/>

The form class is in the file Thelia/Form/CustomerCreation.php, and contains all form definitions. We use here different constraints :

  • Constraints\NotBlank()
  • Constraints\Email()
  • Constraints\Callback, to check specific conditions, such as duplicate emails, or non matching passwords.
namespace Thelia\Form;

use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\ExecutionContextInterface;
use Thelia\Model\ConfigQuery;
use Thelia\Model\CustomerQuery;
use Thelia\Form\BaseForm

class CustomerCreation extends BaseForm

    protected function buildForm()
            ->add("firstname", "text", array(
                "constraints" => array(
                    new Constraints\NotBlank()
                "label" => "firstname"
            ->add("lastname", "text", array(
                "constraints" => array(
                    new Constraints\NotBlank()
                "label" => "lastname"
            ->add("address1", "text", array(
                "constraints" => array(
                    new Constraints\NotBlank()
                "label" => "address"
            ->add("address2", "text", array(
                "label" => "Address Line 2"
            ->add("address3", "text", array(
                "label" => "Address Line 3"
            ->add("phone", "text", array(
                "label" => "phone"
            ->add("cellphone", "text", array(
                "label" => "cellphone"
            ->add("zipcode", "text", array(
                "constraints" => array(
                    new Constraints\NotBlank()
                "label" => "zipcode"
            ->add("city", "text", array(
                "constraints" => array(
                    new Constraints\NotBlank()
                "label" => "city"
            ->add("country", "text", array(
                "constraints" => array(
                    new Constraints\NotBlank()
                "label" => "country"
            ->add("title", "text", array(
                "constraints" => array(
                    new Constraints\NotBlank()
                "label" => "title"
            ->add("email", "email", array(
                "constraints" => array(
                    new Constraints\NotBlank(),
                    new Constraints\Email(),
                    new Constraints\Callback(array(
                        "methods" => array(
                "label" => "email"
            ->add("email_confirm", "email", array(
                "constraints" => array(
                    new Constraints\Callback(array(
                        "methods" => array(
                "label" => "email confirmation"
            ->add("password", "password", array(
                "constraints" => array(
                    new Constraints\NotBlank(),
                    new Constraints\Length(array("min" => ConfigQuery::read("password.length", 4)))
                "label" => "password"
            ->add("password_confirm", "password", array(
                "constraints" => array(
                    new Constraints\NotBlank(),
                    new Constraints\Length(array("min" => ConfigQuery::read("password.length", 4))),
                    new Constraints\Callback(array("methods" => array(
                        array($this, "verifyPasswordField")
                "label" => "password confirmation"


    public function verifyPasswordField($value, ExecutionContextInterface $context)
        $data = $context->getRoot()->getData();

        if ($data["password"] != $data["password_confirm"]) {
            $context->addViolation("password confirmation is not the same as password field");

    public function verifyEmailField($value, ExecutionContextInterface $context)
        $data = $context->getRoot()->getData();

        if ($data["email"] != $data["email_confirm"]) {
            $context->addViolation("email confirmation is not the same as email field");

    public function verifyExistingEmail($value, ExecutionContextInterface $context)
        $customer = CustomerQuery::create()->findOneByEmail($value);
        if ($customer) {
            $context->addViolation("This email already exists");

    public function getName()
        return "thelia_customer_creation";


Thelia provides the StandardDescriptionFieldsTrait trait which processes title, locale, chapo, description and postscriptum fields, used on a lot of Thelia objects.

If you want to use such field sets in your forms, just use the trait in your form definition class, and invoke the following method for adding the field to your builder :


The array parameter is a list of fields that should not be added bit the trait, for example the title if you have defined a more specific field than the one that exists in the trait.

In your template, you just have to include the includes/standard-description-form-fields.html template fragment to render these fields.

Example with the ‘brand’ modification form :

{form name="thelia.admin.brand.modification"}

    <form method="POST" action="{url path="/admin/brand/save/{$ID}"}" {form_enctype form=$form} class="clearfix">

        {form_hidden_fields form=$form}

        {render_form_field form=$form field="success_url" value={url path="/admin/brand"}}
        {render_form_field form=$form field="locale" value={$edit_language_locale}}

        {if $form_error}
            <div class="alert alert-danger">{$form_error_message}</div>

        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-md-8">
                {include file="includes/standard-description-form-fields.html"}

            <div class="col-md-4">
                {render_form_field form=$form field="visible"}

                {custom_render_form_field form=$form field='logo_image_id'}
                    <select {form_field_attributes form=$form field='logo_image_id' extra_class='brand-image-selector'} >
                        <option value="">{intl l="No logo image"}</option>

                        {loop name="brand-images" type="image" brand=$ID width="90" height="90" resize_mode="crop"}
                            <option value="{$ID}" data-img-src="{$IMAGE_URL}" {if $LOGO_IMAGE_ID == $ID}selected="selected"{/if}>{$TITLE}</option>