This functionality is only available since version 2.1

The template entry point

To define a hook in a module template, you have to use the smarty function “hook” with a paramater “name”.

The name parameter will match with the “event” one of the service tag.

{hook name="my_hook_name"}

Naming convention

The name of the hook should be composed of 2 parts separated by a dot : the first one is the name of the page, the second is the position in the page. Words can be separated by dash :

  • : at the top of the product page
  • product.javascript-initialization : to initialize javascript (after javascript include) in the product page

Declare your hook

Now that you have your template entry point, you need to declare your hook’s type.

To do this, override the method “getHooks” of your module class.

You have to return a collection of associative array composed of those keys:

  • code : The hook name
  • type : The hook type, this value correspond to Thelia\Core\Template\TemplateDefinition constants: FRONT_OFFICE, BACK_OFFICE, PDF and EMAIL
  • title : This one can be a string, or an associative array with the locale as key.
  • description : Same as title
  • chapo : Same as title
  • active : Boolean value, if true the hook will be automatically activated (default: false)
  • block : Boolean value, set it at true if your hook is a block (default: false)
  • module : Boolean value, set it at true if your hook is relative to a module (default: false)

keys marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory



namespace MyModule;

use Thelia\Module\BaseModule;

class MyModule extends BaseModule 
  public function getHooks() 
     return array(
          // Only register the title in the default language
              "type" => TemplateDefinition::BACK_OFFICE,
              "code" => "my_super_hook_name",
              "title" => "My hook",
              "description" => "My hook is really, really great",
         // Manage i18n
              "type" => TemplateDefinition::FRONT_OFFICE,
              "code" => "my_hook_name",
              "title" => array(
                  "fr_FR" => "Mon Hook",
                  "en_US" => "My hook",
              "description" => array(
                  "fr_FR" => "Mon hook est vraiment super",
                  "en_US" => "My hook is really, really great",
              "chapo" => array(
                  "fr_FR" => "Mon hook est vraiment super",
                  "en_US" => "My hook is really, really great",
              "block" => true,
              "active" => true