Thelia mails

Thelia offers a very flexible way to define the content of the mails sent by the system. A mail template uses exactly the same principles as a front-office or back-office template. It uses Smarty languages, and the Thelia loops and substitutions.

About mail layouts, views and templates

You can define e-mails contents directly in the back-office, but you can also use the same template system as front-office or PDF, by defining a set of views and grouping them in a sub-directory of the templates/emails directory. You may then use all the features of Smarty, including inheritance.

The most basic way to define an email content is typing the code directly in the Thelia “messages” back-office.

If you want to re-use layouts, or use includes or inheritance for all or some of your emails, use an-email template. Defines a layout (.tpl) and/or views (.html), and configure the message in the Thelia back-office.


Mail layouts are used to provide a layout to all or some of the e-mails sent by the Thelia core or the modules.

The layouts should have the ‘tpl’ extension, and should use {$message_body} as the placeholder of the final message content.

For example, a minimal layout is :

{$message_body nofiler}

You should use the nofilter flag to prevent html-escaping of the $message_body variable content: Thelia templating system always escape variable contents.

There are no specific limitations in the content of the layout. For example, you can forecast inheritance, using a block :

{block name=’message-body’}{$message_body nofilter}{/block}

(In fact, this is the content of the default HTML layout, default-html-layout.tpl)

This way, you can extends the layout in message views :

{block name='message-body'}

Here is the template content



A View contains the body of a specific message. It may extends a layout, but in this case, you SHOULD NOT select this layout as the message layout in the back office.

HTML views SHOULD have the ‘html’ extension to be displayed in the “Name of the HTML view file” menu in the back-office.

TEXT views SHOULD have the ‘text’ extension to be displayed in the “Name of the text view file” menu in the back-office.


A mail template is just a collection of layouts (.tpl) and/or views (.html), grouped in a sub-directory of the templates/emails directory.

The current mail template is defined in the Thelia configuration, by the active-mail-template variable.

What are your options ?

For any email message, you can :

  • Not use views or layouts, and rely on HTML and TEXT entered in the back-office.
  • Use only layouts, to define a common look and feel to your mails. These layouts are be populated (through {$message_body}) with HTML or TEXT entered in the back-office.
  • Use only views, without layouts, to define message content. In this case, HTML or TEXT entered in the back-office is ignored.
  • Use layouts and views, without inheritance. This way, layouts are populated (through {$message_body}) with HTML or TEXT found in the message views. HTML or TEXT entered in the back-office is ignored.
  • Use views which inherit from a layout. In the layout, {$message_body} (if present) is then ignored, and the classic Smarty bock-based inheritance is used. Be sure in this case to not define an extended layout as the message layout, or unexpected results may be generated (probably repeated layout content)