Customers export

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Output name Output description
ref The customer's ref
title The customer's title (Mr, Miss, ...)
last_name The customer's last name
first_name The customer's first name
email The customer's email
discount The customer's discount over the shop
is_registered_to_newsletter 0 if the customer isn't registered to the newsletter, 1 otherwise
sign_up_date The customer's sign up date
total_orders The total amount of the customer's orders
last_order_amount The amount of the customer's last order
last_order_date The date of the customer's last order
label The customer addresses' label
address_title The customer addresses' titles (Mr, Miss, ...)
address_first_name The customer addresses' first names
address_last_name The customer addresses' last names
company The customer addresses' company names
address1 The customer street addresses' 1
address2 The customer street addresses' 2
address3 The customer street addresses' 3
zipcode The customer addresses' zicodes
city The customer addresses' cities
country The customer addresses' countries
phone The customer addresses' phones
cellphone The customer addresses' cellphones
is_default_address 1 if the address is the customer's default, 0 otherwise