Cart Substitution

Cart Substitution provides current cart in session.

{cart attr="one_of_the_following"}


contains_virtual_product (or is_virtual) True if the cart contains at least one virtual product, false otherwise
item_count (or count_item) The number of items in the cart. A cart with 2 x product X and 3 x product Y have 5 items
product_count (or count_product) The number of distinct products in the cart. A cart with 2 x product X and 3 x product Y have 2 distinct products
total_price_with_discount (or total_price) Total cart amount in the current currency, without taxes, including discount, if any
total_price_without_discount Total cart amount in the current currency, without taxes, excluding discount, if any
total_taxed_price_with_discount (or total_taxed_price) Total cart amount in the current currency with taxes, and including the discount, if any.
total_taxed_price_without_discount Total price with discount without taxes
weight The cart total weight, in kg

* : this is a DateTime information.
You can therefore specify 2 optional specific parameters :
- `output` which takes 'date', 'datetime' or 'time' as value
- `format` which take a PHP date format. The locale format for the current language will be used if this parameter is empty or missing
ie : {product attr='createdAt' output='date' format='Y-m-d'}