Lang Substitution

Lang Substitution provides current lang in session.

{lang attr="one_of_the_following"}


code ISO 639-1 Code
createdAt *
date_format The date format. The syntax used is identical to the PHP date() function. eg: d/m/Y
datetime_format The date time format. The syntax used is identical to the PHP date() function. eg: d/m/y H:i:s
decimal_separator The separator for the decimal point
decimals Decimal places
locale The language locale. eg: fr_FR, en_US, ...
thousands_separator The thousands separator
time_format The time format. The syntax used is identical to the PHP date() function. eg: H:i:s
updatedAt *
url Custom URL for language

* : this is a DateTime information.
You can therefore specify 2 optional specific parameters :
- `output` which takes 'date', 'datetime' or 'time' as value
- `format` which take a PHP date format. The locale format for the current language will be used if this parameter is empty or missing
ie : {product attr='createdAt' output='date' format='Y-m-d'}