Customer Loop

Customer loop displays customers information.

{loop type="customer" name="the-loop-name" [argument="value"], [...]}

Important informations :

* : argument is required
** : at least one of ** marked argument is required

Global arguments

Argument Description

Determine if loop is use in backend context.

default : false

example : backend_context="on"


force return result for i18n tables even if there is no record

default : false

example : force_return="on"


The maximum number of results to display.

example : limit="10"

name *

The loop name. This name must be unique and is used to reference this loop further in the page (see ifloop, elseloop or pageloop)


The first product to display offset. Will not be used if `page` argument is set.

default : 0

example : offset="1"


The page to display.

example : page="2"

Text search arguments
Argument Description

A comma separeted list of field in which the search is performed

Possible values : ref, firstname, lastname, email

example : search_in="title"


the search mode : `any_word` (search any word separeted by a space), `sentence` (the sentence, anywhere in the field) or `strict_sentence` (the exact sentence)

default : strict_sentence


The term to search

example : search_term="my product"

Loop arguments

Argument Description

A boolean value which must be set to false if you need to display not authenticated customers information, typically if `sponsor` parameter is set.

default : yes

example : current="false"


A single or a list of customer ids.

example : id="2", id="1,4,7"


A list of values to order loop results

Expected values :
  • firstname : alphabetical order on firstname
  • firstname_reverse : reverse alphabetical order on firstname
  • id : order by ascending ID
  • id_reverse : order by descending ID
  • last_order : ascending date of last order
  • last_order_reverse : descending date of last order
  • lastname : alphabetical order on lastname
  • lastname_reverse : reverse alphabetical order on lastname
  • lregistration_date_reverse : descending registration date
  • order_amount : ascending amount of last order
  • order_amount_reverse : descending amount of last order
  • reference : alphabetical order on reference
  • reference_reverse : reverse alphabetical order on reference
  • registration_date : ascending registration date

default : lastname

example : order="firstname, lastname"


A single or a list of customer references.

example : ref="1231231241", ref="123123,789789"


A boolean value.

example : reseller="yes"


The sponsor ID which you want the list of affiliated customers

example : sponsor="1"


A boolean. If set to true, $HAS_PREVIOUS, $HAS_NEXT, $PREVIOUS, and $NEXT output variables are available.

default : false

example : with_prev_next_info="yes"

Global outputs

Variable Description
$LOOP_COUNT the current results index, starting from 1
$LOOP_TOTAL the total number of results returned by the loop
$CREATE_DATE The creation date of this Customer
$UPDATE_DATE The last modification date of this Customer

Loop outputs

Variable Description
$CONFIRMATION_TOKEN the customer registration confirmation token, used when email confirmation of registration is enabled (see customer_email_confirmation configuration variable)
$DISCOUNT the customer discount
$EMAIL the customer email
$FIRSTNAME the customer firstname
$HAS_NEXT true if a customer exists after the current one, regarding the curent order. Only available if with_prev_next_info parameter is set to true
$HAS_PREVIOUS true if a customer exists before the current one, regarding the curent order. Only available if with_prev_next_info parameter is set to true
$ID the customer id
$LASTNAME the customer lastname
$NEWSLETTER true if the customer is registered in the newsletter table, false otherwise
$NEXT ID of the next customer, or null if non exists. Only available if with_prev_next_info parameter is set to true
$PREVIOUS ID of the previous customer, or null if non exists. Only available if with_prev_next_info parameter is set to true
$REF the customer reference
$RESELLER return if the customer is a reseller
$SPONSOR the customer sponsor which might be use in another customer loop
$TITLE the customer title which might be use in title loop