Display your form

Once you’ve created a form, it’s time to display it in your template.

All you need is knowing the form name and all the field names of your form.

Call your form

First of all you have to call the form you need by using the form block :

{form name="thelia.customer.creation" type="myFormType"}

The form reference is now available in the $form variable.

Display it

You can open now the form html tag :

{form name="thelia.customer.creation"}
    <form method="post" action="{url path='your/target'}" {form_enctype form=$form}>

Nested forms

If your form is a collection of many types, you have to use points to get the field. For example, if you have a field like this:

$builder->add("customer_data", "customer")

And the type “customer” adds a field “first_name”, you can access to this field in your template:

{form_field form=$form field="customer_data.first_name"}


Hidden fields

The {form_enctype} function automagically select the proper form encoding.

Thelia uses hidden fields internally. In order to display these fields (and all the hidden fields defined in your form), use the {form_hidden_fields} function. Don’t forget this, as it contains the CRSF validation data :

{form name="thelia.customer.creation"}
    <form method="post" action="{url path='your/target'}" {form_enctype form=$form}>

        {form_hidden_fields form=$form}

If you want to manage yourself one or more hidden field (for exemple to set its value), you may pass these field names to the form_hidden_fields function using the “exclude” parameter. The field names listed in this parameter will not be processed by the function:

{form name="thelia.customer.creation"}
    <form method="post" action="{url path='your/target'}" {form_enctype form=$form}>

        {form_hidden_fields form=$form exclude="area_id,some_other_field"}

        {render_form_field form=$form field="area_id" value={$area_id}}
        {render_form_field form=$form field="some_other_field" value="the field value"}


Displaying a form field

For displaying a field, you have to use the {form_field} block, and put the name of the field you want to display in the “field” parameter :

{form name="thelia.customer.creation"}
    <form method="post" action="index_dev.php?action=createCustomer&view=connexion" {form_enctype form=$form} >

        {form_hidden_fields form=$form}

        {form_field form=$form field="firstname"}
           <label>{intl l="{$label}"}</label>
           <input type="text" name="{$name}" value="{$value}" {$attr} />


Values available in the {form_field} block :

  • $name : field’s name used in the name part of your input
  • $value : default value to display
  • $data : the form definition data attribute
  • $type : the field type, as defined in the form definition (choice, radio, number, text, textarea, etc.)
  • $checked : the checked status (true / false) of a radio or checkbox field
  • $multiple : true if a select field may have multiple selected values
  • $disabled : true if the field is disabled, false otherwise
  • $read_only : true if the fiedl is read only, false otherwise
  • $max_length : the maximum length of the field
  • $required : true if the field is required, false otherwise
  • $label : label for this field, can be used in label html tag for example
  • $attr : all the attributes defined in your form class, can be any HTML attributes, such as an id, or any other attribute such as HTML5 form validation for example
  • $attr_list : the ‘attr’ array of form definition
  • $options : all the options available for this field. This variable is a PHP array.
  • $error : true if validation error has been detected on the field
  • $message : the error message, defined if $error is true, empty otherwise.
  • $choices : an array of available choices. $choices is available only if your field has defined choices.
{form_field form=$form field="firstname"}
    {foreach $choices as $choice}
        label : {$choice->label}<br />
        data : {$choice->data}<br />
        value : {$choice->value}

Standardized form field generation

Using the form_field loop to display a form generates a lot of repetitive code. To help template writers, Thelia provides a basic binding, which speed-up and clarify the form code with 3 Smarty plugins :

  • render_form_field : a Smarty function which automatically generates the field HTML code, and all the related code, such as formartting and error reporting.
  • custom_render_form_field : a Smarty block which automatically generates the field’s related HTML code (formatting, error reporting, etc.), and uses the block content as the field code.
  • form_field_attributes : a Smarty function which generates the input field parameters

These plugins uses field data defined in the form definition to build the HTML field. They are sharing the same parameter set :

  • form : the current form
  • field : the field name
  • value : a value, which will be used if the form field value is not defined.
  • extra_class : one or more extra classes; that will be added to the standard input field class.
  • show_label : if false, the field label and help text are not displayed.
  • template : name of the template fragments that will be used to generate the code (see “Templates Fragments” below)

In most cases, you’ll use render_form_field. However, in some cases you need to perform specific operations. For example if the field value should be defined using a loop. In such cases, you’ll use the custom_render_form_field block, providing yourself the field HTML code.

For example, using an image loop to define option’s attributes :

{custom_render_form_field form=$form field='logo_image_id'}
    <select {form_field_attributes form=$form field='logo_image_id' extra_class='brand-image-selector'} >
        <option value="">{intl l="No logo image"}</option>

        {loop name="brand-images" type="image" brand=$ID width="90" height="90" resize_mode="crop"}
            <option value="{$ID}" data-img-src="{$IMAGE_URL}" {if $LOGO_IMAGE_ID == $ID}selected="selected"{/if}>{$TITLE}</option>

In the form definition, the definition of the logo_image_id field is :

$this->formBuilder->add("logo_image_id", "integer", [
        'constraints' => [ ],
        'required'    => false,
        'label'       => Translator::getInstance()->trans('Select the brand logo'),
        'label_attr'  => [
            'for' => 'logo_image_id',
            'help' => Translator::getInstance()->trans("Select the brand logo amongst the brand images")

Note that we’re using the form_field_attributes to create the select attributes.


A more complete example: the brand update form.

{form name="thelia.admin.brand.modification"}

    <form method="POST" action="{url path="/admin/brand/save/{$ID}"}" {form_enctype form=$form} class="clearfix">

        {form_hidden_fields form=$form}

        {render_form_field form=$form field="success_url" value={url path="/admin/brand"}}
        {render_form_field form=$form field="locale" value={$edit_language_locale}}

        {if $form_error}
            <div class="alert alert-danger">{$form_error_message}</div>

        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-md-8">
                {include file="includes/standard-description-form-fields.html"}

            <div class="col-md-4">
                {render_form_field form=$form field="visible"}

                {custom_render_form_field form=$form field='logo_image_id'}
                    <select {form_field_attributes form=$form field='logo_image_id' extra_class='brand-image-selector'} >
                        <option value="">{intl l="No logo image"}</option>

                        {loop name="brand-images" type="image" brand=$ID width="90" height="90" resize_mode="crop"}
                            <option value="{$ID}" data-img-src="{$IMAGE_URL}" {if $LOGO_IMAGE_ID == $ID}selected="selected"{/if}>{$TITLE}</option>

Template fragments

The plugins are using two specific template fragments, located in the template/*your_template*/forms/standard directory :

  • form-field-renderer.html : to generate the input fields HTML
  • form-field-attributes-renderer.html : to generate the input fields attributes.

form-field-renderer.html is in charge of rendering a complete, ready to use, form field, and should contains all the code to do so.

form-field-attributes-renderer.html renders the attributes of a specific field. In the example above, {form_field_attributes form=$form field='logo_image_id' extra_class='brand-image-selector'} will be rendered as :

id="logo_image_id" name="thelia_brand_modification[logo_image_id]" value="2" class="form-control brand-image-selector"

These fragments are the standard fragments, which are located in the standard directory. You can create your own customized fragments.

Customized templates fragments

One’s can defines its own set of template fragments, that will be used instead of the standard one if the template parameter is defined.

For example, {render_form_field form=$form field='logo_image_id' template='my_fragments'} will use the ‘my_template’ set, which is located in the template/*your_template*/forms/my_fragments directory.

The name of the fragment files should always be be form-field-renderer.html and form-field-attributes-renderer.html

Display errors

If your form contains some errors, it automatically displays the value already sent by the user and then can display a message for each fields containing errors. The {form_field_error} is used and it works like the {form_field} block. You can call it outside the {form_field} block :

{form name="thelia.customer.creation"}
    <form method="post" action="index_dev.php?action=createCustomer&view=connexion" {form_enctype form=$form} >

        {form_hidden_fields form=$form}

        {form_field form=$form field="firstname"}
            {form_error form=$form.firstname}

            <label>{intl l="{$label}"}</label>
           <input type="text" name="{$name}" value="{$value}" {$attr} />

An alternative to the {form_error} block is using the $error and $message values from the {form_field} block :

        {form_field form=$form field="firstname"}
            {if $error}<div class="error-field">$message</div>{/if}

            <label>{intl l="{$label}"}</label>
           <input type="text" name="{$name}" value="{$value}" {$attr} />

Please note that the standard form field generators generates all the required code to process errors.

Form collection fields

Collection are treated differently than other types in Thelia. You have three functions to know when you deal with them.

  • form_collection That checks if the collection exists, loops and injects the row data. It has an optional parameter “row” that can take a symfony form (example: a collection into a collection). As the fields are stacked in a collection, you can use the “limit” parameter to display them by groups. It outputs 3 variables:
    • $row: the collection
    • $collection_current: The current loop index.
    • $collection_count: The total count of collection entries
  • form_collection_field: It has the same behavior has form_field, but for collections.
  • form_collection_count: Counts the collection entries ( even before the form_collection call ). Warning: entries are used a stack, if you use this function AFTER the form_collection call, you will get 0 as result.


{form name="book-form"}
    {form_collection form=$form collection="books"}
       {form_collection_field form=$form row=$row field="author"}
           {$label} : <input type="text" name="{$name}" id="{$label_attr.for}" value="{$value}" />

A complete example

Here is a complete example with the customer creation form (note that customer title is hard coded - the customer_title loop is not yet available at this time ;-) ) :

{form name="thelia.customer.creation"}
{* We use $INDEX_PAGE as form action to avoid mixing post and get data *}
<form action="{$INDEX_PAGE}" method="post" {form_enctype form=$form}>
	The two fields below are not par of the Login form, they are here to defines
	the action to process, and the view rendered once the form is submited
	<input type="hidden" name="action" value="createCustomer" /> {* the action triggered by this form *}
	<input type="hidden" name="view" value="connexion" /> 		 {* the view to return to if the form cannot be validated *}

	This field is common to all BaseForm instances (thus, this one), and defines
	the URL the customer is redirected to once the form has been successfully
	{form_field form=$form field='success_url'}
	   <input type="hidden" name="{$name}" value="{$RETURN_TO_URL}" /> {* the url the user is redirected to on login success *}

	The form error status and the form error messages are defined in Customer action,
	and passed back to the form plugin through the ParserContext.

	{if $form_error}<div class="alert alert-danger">{$form_error_message}</div>{/if}

    {form_hidden_fields form=$form}

    {form_field form=$form field="title"}
        {form_error form=$form field="title"}

        <label> <span>{intl l="{$label}"} : </span></label>
        <select name="{$name}">
            <option value="1">M.</option>
            <option value="2">Mme.</option>

        <br />

    {form_field form=$form field="firstname"}
        {form_error form=$form field="firstname"}

        <label> <span>{intl l="{$label}"} : </span></label><input type="text" name="{$name}" value="{$value}" {$attr} > <br />

    {form_field form=$form field="lastname"}
        {form_error form=$form field="lastname"}

        <label> <span>{intl l="{$label}"} : </span></label><input type="text" name="{$name}" value="{$value}" {$attr} > <br />

    {form_field form=$form field="address1"}
        {form_error form=$form field="address1"}

        <label> <span>{intl l="{$label}"} : </span></label><input type="text" name="{$name}" value="{$value}" {$attr} > <br />

    {form_field form=$form field="address2"}
        {form_error form=$form field="address2"}

        <label> <span>{intl l="{$label}"} : </span></label><input type="text" name="{$name}" value="{$value}" {$attr} > <br />

    {form_field form=$form field="address3"}
        {form_error form=$form field="address3"}

        <label> <span>{intl l="{$label}"} : </span></label><input type="text" name="{$name}" value="{$value}" {$attr} > <br />

    {form_field form=$form field="zipcode"}
        {form_error form=$form field="zipcode"}

        <label> <span>{intl l="{$label}"} : </span></label><input type="text" name="{$name}" value="{$value}" {$attr} > <br />

    {form_field form=$form field="city"}
        {form_error form=$form field="city"}

        <label> <span>{intl l="{$label}"} : </span></label><input type="text" name="{$name}" value="{$value}" {$attr} > <br />

    {form_field form=$form field="country"}
        {form_error form=$form field="country"}

        <label> <span>{intl l="{$label}"} : </span></label>
            <select name="{$name}">
                <option value="1">France</option>
                <option value="2">Belgium</option>

        <br />

    {form_field form=$form field="phone"}
        {form_error form=$form field="phone"}
        <label> <span>{intl l="{$label}"} : </span></label><input type="text" name="{$name}" value="{$value}" {$attr}> <br />

    {form_field form=$form field="cellphone"}
        {form_error form=$form field="cellphone"}
        <label> <span>{intl l="{$label}"} : </span></label><input type="text" name="{$name}" value="{$value}" {$attr}> <br />

    {form_field form=$form field="email"}
        {form_error form=$form field="email"}
        <label><span>{intl l="{$label}"}</span></label><input type="email" name="{$name}" value="{$value}" {$attr} ><br />

    {form_field form=$form field="email_confirm"}
        {form_error form=$form field="email_confirm"}
        <label><span>{intl l="{$label}"}</span></label><input type="email" name="{$name}" {$attr} ><br />

    {form_field form=$form field="password"}
        {form_error form=$form field="password"}
        <label><span>{intl l="{$label}"}</span></label><input type="password" name="{$name}" {$attr} ><br />

    {form_field form=$form field="password_confirm"}
        {form_error form=$form field="password_confirm"}
        <label><span>{intl l="{$label}"}</span></label><input type="password" name="{$name}" {$attr} ><br />

<input type="submit" value="validate">