Class Address
Class Api
Class Area
Cached file management actions. This class handles file caching in the web space
Class Brand
Class Cache
Class Cart where all actions are manage like adding, modifying or delete items.
Class Content
Class Country
Process Coupon Events
customer class where all actions are managed
Class CustomerTitle
Class Delivery
Document management actions. This class handles document processing an caching.
Class Export
Class File
Class Folder
Class HookAction
Class HttpException
Image management actions. This class handles image processing and caching.
Class Import
Class Lang
Class MetaData
Class Module
Class ModuleHook
Class Newsletter
Class Order
Class OrderStatus
Class Payment
Class Pdf
Class RedirectException
Class Sale
Class ShippingZone
Class State
Class Translation
managed cart
command line for updating admin password
base class for module commands
clear the cache
command line for managing configuration variables
Class ExportCommand
Class GenerateSQLCommand
Class ImportCommand
try to install a new instance of Thelia
generate a new Module
generate class model for a specific module
generate sql for a specific module
Class ModuleListCommand
Class ModulePositionCommand Set modules position
Class ModuleRefreshCommand Refresh modules list
Class ReloadDatabasesCommand
Class SaleCheckActivationCommand
Manage a set of ConditionInterface
Manage how Condition could interact with the current application state (Thelia)
Manage how Condition could interact with each others
Manage how Condition could interact with each other
Check a Checkout against its Product number
Check a Checkout against its Product number
Check a Checkout against its Product number
Assist in writing a condition of whether the Condition is applied or not
Manage how the application checks its state in order to check if it matches the implemented condition
Check a Checkout against its Product number
Check a Checkout against its Product number
Check a Checkout against its Product number
Allow every one, perform no check
Condition AvailableForTotalAmount Check if a Checkout total amount match criteria
Check a Checkout against its Product number
Check a Checkout against its Product number
Represent available Operations in condition checking
A condition ready to be serialized and stored in DataBase
An abstract CRUD controller for Thelia ADMIN, to manage basic CRUD operations on a givent object.
Extend abstract CRUD controller to manage basic CRUD + SEO operations on a given object.
Class ConfigStoreController
Class ConfigurationController
Control View and Action (Model) via Events
Created by JetBrains PhpStorm.
Manages messages sent by mail
Class OrderStatusController
Class ShippingZoneController
Manages product templates
Class TranslationsController
Class AbstractCrudApiController
Class AttributeAvController
Class BaseApiController
Class CategoryController
Class CountryController
Class CurrencyController
Class CustomerController
This controller allow to test if api server is up or down
Class ProductController
Class ProductSaleElementsController
Class TaxRuleController
The defaut administration controller. Basically, display the login form if user is not yet logged in, or back-office home page if the user is logged in.
This is the defualt Thelia controller, which is called when no controller was found to process the request.
cli application for Thelia Class Application
Class AbstractArchiver
Interface ArchiverInterface
Class ArchiverManager
First Bundle use in Thelia It initialize dependency injection container.
ControllerResolver that supports "a:b:c", "service:method" and class::method" notations in routes definition thus allowing the definition of controllers as service (see
Class RegisterListenersPass Source code come from Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler\RegisterKernelListenersPass class
Class RegisterListenersPass Source code come from Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler\RegisterKernelListenersPass class
this compiler can add many router to symfony-cms routing
Load, read and validate config xml files
To override the methods of the symfony container
ViewSubscriber Main class subscribing to view http response.
Class thrown on Thelia.action event
Class AddressCreateOrUpdateEvent
Class AreaAddCountryEvent
Class AreaRemoveCountryEvent
Class AreaUpdatePostageEvent
Class BrandToggleVisibilityEvent
Class CartItemDuplicationItem
Class ContentToggleVisibilityEvent
Class CountryToggleDefaultEvent
Class CountryToggleVisibilityEvent
Occurring when a Coupon is consumed
Occurring when a Coupon is created or updated
Class CustomerCreateOrUpdateEvent
Created by JetBrains PhpStorm.
Class ExportEvent
Event fired when a file is created or updated.
Event fired when a file is about to be deleted
Class FileToggleVisibilityEvent
Class FolderToggleVisibilityEvent
Class GenerateRewrittenUrlEvent
Class BaseHookRenderEvent
Class HookToggleActivationEvent
Class HookRenderBlockEvent
HookRenderEvent is used by the hook template engine plugin function.
Class HookToggleActivationEvent
Class HookToggleNativeEvent
Class ModuleHookCreateEvent
Class ModuleHookDeleteEvent
Class ModuleHookToggleActivationEvent
Class ModuleHookUpdateEvent
Created by JetBrains PhpStorm.
Created by JetBrains PhpStorm.
Class ImportEvent
Class LangDefaultBehaviorEvent
Class LangToggleActiveEvent
Class LangToggleDefaultEvent
Class LangToggleVisibleEvent
Class LoopExtendsArgDefinitionsEvent
Class LoopExtendsBuildArrayEvent
Class LoopExtendsBuildModelCriteriaEvent
Class LoopExtendsInitializeArgsEvent
Class LoopExtendsParseResultsEvent
Class LostPasswordEvent
Class MailTransporterEvent
Class MetaDataCreateOrUpdateEvent
Class MetaDataCreateOrUpdateEvent
Class ModuleToggleActivationEvent
Class ManageStockOnCreationEvent
Class VirtualProductOrderDownloadResponseEvent
This event allow modules to get information on a virtual product :
Class ProductSaleStatusUpdateEvent
Class SaleActiveStatusCheckEvent
Class SaleClearStatusEvent
Class SaleToggleVisibilityEvent
Class SessionEvent
Class StateToggleVisibilityEvent
This class contains all Thelia events identifiers used by Thelia Core
Class TheliaFormEvent
Class TheliaFormFactory
Class TheliaFormValidator
Class AbstractTheliaType
Class CustomerTitleI18nType
Class CustomerTitleType
Class CategoryAssociatedContentIdType
Class OrderProductAttributeCombinationIdType
Class ProductAssociatedContentIdType
Class ProductSaleElementsType
Class StandardFieldsType
The base class for hook. If you provide hooks in your module you have to extends this class.
Class DefaultHook
Class Fragment
Class FragmentBag
Class HookDefinition
Class HookHelper
extends Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request for adding some helpers
extends Thelia\Core\HttpFoundation\Response for adding some helpers
extends mfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Session for adding some helpers
Class RewritingRouter
A simple security manager, in charge of checking user
This class contains all Thelia admin resources
Role is a simple implementation of a RoleInterface where the role is a string.
RoleInterface represents a role granted to a user.
A simple security manager, in charge of checking user
This interface should be implemented by user classes
Interface SerializerInterface
Class ParamInitMiddleware
Class SessionMiddleware
This class is a simple helper for generating assets using Assetic.
Loads LESS files using the oyejorge/less.php PHP implementation of less.
Class BaseI18nLoop, imlplemented by loops providing internationalized data, such as title, description, etc.
Class ArchiveBuilder
Category loop, all params available :
Category path loop, to get the path to a given category.
Category tree loop, to get a category tree from a given category to a given depth.
Config loop, to access configuration variables
Folder tree loop, to get a folder tree from a given folder to a given depth.
Language loop, to get a list of available languages
Message loop, to access messageuration variables
OrderProductOrderProductAttributeCombination loop
Class ProductSaleElementsDocument
Template loop, to get available back-office or front-office templates.
The parser context is an application-wide context, which stores var-value pairs.
extends Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder for changing some behavior
Class TheliaKernelEvents
Allow to assist in getting relevant data on the current application state
Generate a CouponInterface
Manage how Coupons could interact with a Checkout
Allow to assist in getting relevant data on the current application state
Allow to remove an amount from the checkout total
The base class to process a discount related to Attribute values.
Allow to remove an amount from the checkout total
Allow to remove an amount from the checkout total
Represents a Coupon ready to be processed in a Checkout process
A trait to manage a coupon which removes a constant amount from the order total.
Assist in writing a CouponInterface
Represents a Coupon ready to be processed in a Checkout process
Allow to remove an amount from the checkout total
A trait to manage a coupon which removes a percentage of cart items from the order total.
Allow to remove an amount from the checkout total
Allow to remove an amount from the checkout total
Allow to remove an amount from the checkout total
Allow to remove an amount from the checkout total
Allow to remove an amount from the checkout total
Allow to remove an amount from the checkout total
Class AdminAccessDenied
Thrown when an Expired Coupon is tried
Thrown when a Coupon with no usage lect (etiher overall or per customer usage) is tried
Class CouponNotReleaseException
Class CustomerException
Class FileNotFoundException
Class FileNotReadableException
Class HttpUrlException
Class InactiveCouponException
Thrown when a Condition is badly implemented
Thrown when a Condition receive an invalid Operator
Thrown when a Condition receives an invalid Parameter
Class InvalidModuleException
Thrown when the Facade is not set
Thrown when an Abstract method has not been implemented
these exception are non fatal exception, due to thelia process exception or customer random navigation
Class UnmatchableConditionException UnmatchableConditionException thrown when a condition can't be check (if customer is not connected)
Class ProcessFileException
Class FileConfiguration
Class AddressCountryValidationTrait
Class AddressCreateForm
Class AddressUpdateForm
Class ApiCreateForm
Class ApiEmptyForm
Class ApiUpdateForm
Class CategoryModificationForm
Customer login form for the API.
Class ProductModificationForm
Class AreaCountryForm
Class AreaCreateForm
Class AreaDeleteCountryForm
Class AreaModificationForm
Class AreaPostageForm
Class CountryListValidationTrait
Base form class for creating form objects
Class BrandCreationForm
Class BrandModificationForm
Class BruteforceForm
Class CacheFlushForm
Class CacheFlushForm
Class CartAdd
Created by JetBrains PhpStorm.
Created by JetBrains PhpStorm.
Class ContactForm
Created by JetBrains PhpStorm.
Created by JetBrains PhpStorm.
Class ContentModificationForm
Class CouponCode
Allow to build a form Coupon
Class CustomerCreateForm
Class CustomerLogin
Class CustomerLostPasswordForm
Class CustomerPasswordUpdateForm
Class CustomerProfileUpdateForm
Class CustomerUpdateForm
Class EmptyForm
Class ExportForm
Class FirewallForm
Created by JetBrains PhpStorm.
Created by JetBrains PhpStorm.
Class HookCreationForm
Class HookModificationForm
Created by JetBrains PhpStorm.
Created by JetBrains PhpStorm.
Class ImportForm
Created by JetBrains PhpStorm.
Class LangCreateForm
Class LangDefaultBehaviorForm
Class LangUpdateForm
Class LangUrlEvent
Class LangUrlForm
Class MailingSystemModificationForm
Class HookCreationForm
Class HookModificationForm
Class ProductCreationForm
Class NewsletterForm
Class OrderDelivery
Class OrderPayment
Class OrderStatusCreationForm
Class OrderStatusModificationForm
Class AddressUpdateForm
Created by JetBrains PhpStorm.
Created by JetBrains PhpStorm.
Class ProfileCreationForm
Class ProfileModificationForm
Class ProfileUpdateModuleAccessForm
Class ProfileUpdateResourceAccessForm
Class SaleCreationForm
Class SaleModificationForm.phpModificationForm
A trait to add standard localized description fields to a form.
Class SeoForm
A trait to add standard localized description fields to a form.
Class StateCreationForm
Class StateModificationForm
Class TaxCreationForm
Class TaxModificationForm
Class ExportHandler
Class ImportHandler
Class AbstractHandler
Class BaseInstall
Class CheckDatabaseConnection
Class CheckPermission
Class Database
Class AlreadyInstallException
Class Update
Thelia Logger
Class MailerFactory
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'accessory' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'address' table.
Skeleton subclass for representing a row from the 'admin' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'admin_log' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'admin' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'api' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'areadeliverymodule' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'area' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'attributeavi18n' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'attribute_av' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'attribute_combination' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'attribute_i18n' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'attribute' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'attribute_template' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'accessory' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'address' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'admin_log' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'admin' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'api' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'areadeliverymodule' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'area' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'attributeavi18n' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'attribute_av' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'attribute_combination' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'attribute_i18n' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'attribute' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'attribute_template' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'branddocumenti18n' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'brand_document' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'brand_i18n' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'brandimagei18n' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'brand_image' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'brand' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'cart_item' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'cart' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'categoryassociatedcontent' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'categorydocumenti18n' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'category_document' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'category_i18n' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'categoryimagei18n' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'category_image' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'category' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'category_version' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'config_i18n' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'config' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'contentdocumenti18n' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'content_document' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'content_folder' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'content_i18n' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'contentimagei18n' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'content_image' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'content' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'content_version' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'country_area' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'country_i18n' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'country' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'coupon_country' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'couponcustomercount' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'coupon_i18n' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'coupon_module' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'coupon' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'coupon_version' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'currency_i18n' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'currency' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'customer' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'customertitlei18n' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'customer_title' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'customer_version' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'exportcategoryi18n' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'export_category' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'export_i18n' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'export' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'featureavi18n' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'feature_av' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'feature_i18n' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'feature_product' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'feature' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'feature_template' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'folderdocumenti18n' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'folder_document' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'folder_i18n' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'folderimagei18n' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'folder_image' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'folder' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'folder_version' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'form_firewall' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'hook_i18n' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'hook' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'ignoredmodulehook' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'importcategoryi18n' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'import_category' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'import_i18n' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'import' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'lang' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'message_i18n' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'message' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'message_version' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'meta_data' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'moduleconfigi18n' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'module_config' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'module_hook' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'module_i18n' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'moduleimagei18n' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'module_image' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'module' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'newsletter' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'order_address' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'ordercouponcountry' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'ordercouponmodule' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'order_coupon' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'orderproductattribute_combination' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'order_product' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'orderproducttax' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'order' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'orderstatusi18n' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'order_status' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'order_version' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'productassociatedcontent' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'product_category' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'productdocumenti18n' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'product_document' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'product_i18n' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'productimagei18n' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'product_image' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'product_price' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'product' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'productsaleelementsproductdocument' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'productsaleelementsproductimage' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'productsaleelements' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'product_version' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'profile_i18n' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'profile_module' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'profile' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'profile_resource' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'resource_i18n' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'resource' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'rewriting_argument' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'rewriting_url' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'sale_i18n' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'saleoffsetcurrency' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'sale_product' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'sale' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'state_i18n' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'state' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'tax_i18n' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'tax' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'taxrulecountry' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'taxrulei18n' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'tax_rule' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'template_i18n' table.
Base class that represents a query for the 'template' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'branddocumenti18n' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'brand_document' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'brand_i18n' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'brandimagei18n' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'brand_image' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'brand' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'cart_item' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'cart' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'categoryassociatedcontent' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'categorydocumenti18n' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'category_document' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'category_i18n' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'categoryimagei18n' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'category_image' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'category' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'category_version' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'config_i18n' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'config' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'contentdocumenti18n' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'content_document' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'content_folder' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'content_i18n' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'contentimagei18n' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'content_image' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'content' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'content_version' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'country_area' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'country_i18n' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'country' table.
Used to provide an effect (mostly a discount) at the end of the Customer checkout tunnel It will be usable for a Customer only if it matches the Coupon criteria (Rules)
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'coupon_country' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'couponcustomercount' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'coupon_i18n' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'coupon_module' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'coupon' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'coupon_version' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'currency_i18n' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'currency' table.
Skeleton subclass for representing a row from the 'customer' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'customer' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'customertitlei18n' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'customer_title' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'customer_version' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'exportcategoryi18n' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'export_category' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'export_i18n' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'export' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'featureavi18n' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'feature_av' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'feature_i18n' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'feature_product' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'feature' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'feature_template' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'folderdocumenti18n' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'folder_document' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'folder_i18n' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'folderimagei18n' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'folder_image' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'folder' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'folder_version' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'form_firewall' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'hook_i18n' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'hook' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'ignoredmodulehook' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'importcategoryi18n' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'import_category' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'import_i18n' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'import' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'lang' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'accessory' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'address' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'admin_log' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'admin' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'api' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'areadeliverymodule' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'area' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'attributeavi18n' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'attribute_av' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'attribute_combination' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'attribute_i18n' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'attribute' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'attribute_template' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'branddocumenti18n' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'brand_document' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'brand_i18n' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'brandimagei18n' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'brand_image' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'brand' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'cart_item' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'cart' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'categoryassociatedcontent' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'categorydocumenti18n' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'category_document' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'category_i18n' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'categoryimagei18n' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'category_image' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'category' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'category_version' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'config_i18n' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'config' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'contentdocumenti18n' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'content_document' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'content_folder' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'content_i18n' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'contentimagei18n' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'content_image' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'content' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'content_version' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'country_area' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'country_i18n' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'country' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'coupon_country' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'couponcustomercount' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'coupon_i18n' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'coupon_module' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'coupon' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'coupon_version' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'currency_i18n' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'currency' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'customer' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'customertitlei18n' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'customer_title' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'customer_version' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'exportcategoryi18n' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'export_category' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'export_i18n' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'export' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'featureavi18n' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'feature_av' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'feature_i18n' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'feature_product' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'feature' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'feature_template' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'folderdocumenti18n' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'folder_document' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'folder_i18n' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'folderimagei18n' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'folder_image' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'folder' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'folder_version' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'form_firewall' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'hook_i18n' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'hook' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'ignoredmodulehook' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'importcategoryi18n' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'import_category' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'import_i18n' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'import' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'lang' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'message_i18n' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'message' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'message_version' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'meta_data' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'moduleconfigi18n' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'module_config' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'module_hook' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'module_i18n' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'moduleimagei18n' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'module_image' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'module' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'newsletter' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'order_address' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'ordercouponcountry' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'ordercouponmodule' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'order_coupon' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'orderproductattribute_combination' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'order_product' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'orderproducttax' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'orderstatusi18n' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'order_status' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'order' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'order_version' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'productassociatedcontent' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'product_category' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'productdocumenti18n' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'product_document' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'product_i18n' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'productimagei18n' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'product_image' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'product_price' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'productsaleelementsproductdocument' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'productsaleelementsproductimage' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'productsaleelements' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'product' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'product_version' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'profile_i18n' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'profile_module' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'profile_resource' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'profile' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'resource_i18n' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'resource' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'rewriting_argument' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'rewriting_url' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'sale_i18n' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'saleoffsetcurrency' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'sale_product' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'sale' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'state_i18n' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'state' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'tax_i18n' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'taxrulecountry' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'taxrulei18n' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'tax_rule' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'tax' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'template_i18n' table.
This class defines the structure of the 'template' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'message_i18n' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'message' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'message_version' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'meta_data' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'moduleconfigi18n' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'module_config' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'module_hook' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'module_i18n' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'moduleimagei18n' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'module_image' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'module' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'newsletter' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'order_address' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'ordercouponcountry' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'ordercouponmodule' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'order_coupon' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'order_feature' table.
Class OrderPostage
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'orderproductattribute_combination' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'order_product' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'orderproducttax' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'order' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'orderstatusi18n' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'order_status' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'order_version' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'productassociatedcontent' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'product_category' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'productdocumenti18n' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'product_document' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'product_i18n' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'productimagei18n' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'product_image' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'product_price' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'product' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'productsaleelementsproductdocument' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'productsaleelementsproductimage' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'productsaleelements' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'product_version' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'profile_i18n' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'profile_module' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'profile' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'profile_resource' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'resource_i18n' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'resource' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'rewriting_argument' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'rewriting_url' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'sale_i18n' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'saleoffsetcurrency' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'sale_product' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'sale' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'state_i18n' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'state' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'tax_i18n' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'tax' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'taxrulecountry' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'taxrulei18n' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'tax_rule' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'template_i18n' table.
Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'template' table.
Trait I18nTimestampableTrait
Class ModelCriteriaTools
A trait to provide event dispatching mechanism to Model objects
Utility class used to store price and promo price for a carte item.
A trait for managing Rewritten URLs from model classes
Class AbastractAdminResourcesCompiler
This class implement the minimum
Class InvalidXmlDocumentException
Class ModuleDescriptorValidator
Class ModuleManagement
Class RewritingResolver
Class RewritingRetriever
Class Calculator
Class TaxEngine
This class defines a Tax type requirement
Class AddressFormat
Created by JetBrains PhpStorm.
Class Password
Trait RememberMeTrait
Class ResponseRest Create a serialized Response
Class TokenProvider
Class AnyListType
This filter accepts either a boolean value, or '*' which means both, true and false