class TemplateQuery extends ModelCriteria

Base class that represents a query for the 'template' table.


__construct( string $dbName = 'thelia', string $modelName = '\\Thelia\\Model\\Template', string $modelAlias = null)

Initializes internal state of \Thelia\Model\Base\TemplateQuery object.

static  TemplateQuery
create( string $modelAlias = null, Criteria $criteria = null)

Returns a new ChildTemplateQuery object.

findPk( mixed $key, ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Find object by primary key.

findPks( array $keys, ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Find objects by primary key $objs = $c->findPks(array(12, 56, 832), $con);

filterByPrimaryKey( mixed $key)

Filter the query by primary key

filterByPrimaryKeys( array $keys)

Filter the query by a list of primary keys

filterById( mixed $id = null, string $comparison = null)

Filter the query on the id column

filterByCreatedAt( mixed $createdAt = null, string $comparison = null)

Filter the query on the created_at column

filterByUpdatedAt( mixed $updatedAt = null, string $comparison = null)

Filter the query on the updated_at column

filterByProduct( Product|ObjectCollection $product, string $comparison = null)

Filter the query by a related \Thelia\Model\Product object

joinProduct( string $relationAlias = null, string $joinType = Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

Adds a JOIN clause to the query using the Product relation

useProductQuery( string $relationAlias = null, string $joinType = Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

Use the Product relation Product object

filterByFeatureTemplate( FeatureTemplate|ObjectCollection $featureTemplate, string $comparison = null)

Filter the query by a related \Thelia\Model\FeatureTemplate object

joinFeatureTemplate( string $relationAlias = null, string $joinType = Criteria::INNER_JOIN)

Adds a JOIN clause to the query using the FeatureTemplate relation

useFeatureTemplateQuery( string $relationAlias = null, string $joinType = Criteria::INNER_JOIN)

Use the FeatureTemplate relation FeatureTemplate object

filterByAttributeTemplate( AttributeTemplate|ObjectCollection $attributeTemplate, string $comparison = null)

Filter the query by a related \Thelia\Model\AttributeTemplate object

joinAttributeTemplate( string $relationAlias = null, string $joinType = Criteria::INNER_JOIN)

Adds a JOIN clause to the query using the AttributeTemplate relation

useAttributeTemplateQuery( string $relationAlias = null, string $joinType = Criteria::INNER_JOIN)

Use the AttributeTemplate relation AttributeTemplate object

filterByTemplateI18n( TemplateI18n|ObjectCollection $templateI18n, string $comparison = null)

Filter the query by a related \Thelia\Model\TemplateI18n object

joinTemplateI18n( string $relationAlias = null, string $joinType = 'LEFT JOIN')

Adds a JOIN clause to the query using the TemplateI18n relation

useTemplateI18nQuery( string $relationAlias = null, string $joinType = 'LEFT JOIN')

Use the TemplateI18n relation TemplateI18n object

filterByFeature( Feature $feature, string $comparison = Criteria::EQUAL)

Filter the query by a related Feature object using the feature_template table as cross reference

filterByAttribute( Attribute $attribute, string $comparison = Criteria::EQUAL)

Filter the query by a related Attribute object using the attribute_template table as cross reference

prune( Template $template = null)

Exclude object from result

doDeleteAll( ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Deletes all rows from the template table.

delete( ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Performs a DELETE on the database, given a ChildTemplate or Criteria object OR a primary key value.

joinI18n( string $locale = 'en_US', string $relationAlias = null, string $joinType = Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

Adds a JOIN clause to the query using the i18n relation

joinWithI18n( string $locale = 'en_US', string $joinType = Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

Adds a JOIN clause to the query and hydrates the related I18n object.

useI18nQuery( string $locale = 'en_US', string $relationAlias = null, string $joinType = Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

Use the I18n relation query object

recentlyUpdated( int $nbDays = 7)

Filter by the latest updated

recentlyCreated( int $nbDays = 7)

Filter by the latest created


Order by update date desc


Order by update date asc


Order by create date desc


Order by create date asc

orderById($order = Criteria::ASC)

Order by the id column

orderByCreatedAt($order = Criteria::ASC)

Order by the created_at column

orderByUpdatedAt($order = Criteria::ASC)

Order by the updated_at column


Group by the id column


Group by the created_at column


Group by the updated_at column


Adds a LEFT JOIN clause to the query


Adds a RIGHT JOIN clause to the query


Adds a INNER JOIN clause to the query

leftJoinProduct($relationAlias = null)

Adds a LEFT JOIN clause to the query using the Product relation

rightJoinProduct($relationAlias = null)

Adds a RIGHT JOIN clause to the query using the Product relation

innerJoinProduct($relationAlias = null)

Adds a INNER JOIN clause to the query using the Product relation

leftJoinFeatureTemplate($relationAlias = null)

Adds a LEFT JOIN clause to the query using the FeatureTemplate relation

rightJoinFeatureTemplate($relationAlias = null)

Adds a RIGHT JOIN clause to the query using the FeatureTemplate relation

innerJoinFeatureTemplate($relationAlias = null)

Adds a INNER JOIN clause to the query using the FeatureTemplate relation

leftJoinAttributeTemplate($relationAlias = null)

Adds a LEFT JOIN clause to the query using the AttributeTemplate relation

rightJoinAttributeTemplate($relationAlias = null)

Adds a RIGHT JOIN clause to the query using the AttributeTemplate relation

innerJoinAttributeTemplate($relationAlias = null)

Adds a INNER JOIN clause to the query using the AttributeTemplate relation

leftJoinTemplateI18n($relationAlias = null)

Adds a LEFT JOIN clause to the query using the TemplateI18n relation

rightJoinTemplateI18n($relationAlias = null)

Adds a RIGHT JOIN clause to the query using the TemplateI18n relation

innerJoinTemplateI18n($relationAlias = null)

Adds a INNER JOIN clause to the query using the TemplateI18n relation

findOne( ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Return the first ChildTemplate matching the query

findOneOrCreate( ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Return the first ChildTemplate matching the query, or a new ChildTemplate object populated from the query conditions when no match is found

findOneById( int $id)

Return the first ChildTemplate filtered by the id column

findOneByCreatedAt( string $created_at)

Return the first ChildTemplate filtered by the created_at column

findOneByUpdatedAt( string $updated_at)

Return the first ChildTemplate filtered by the updated_at column

findById( int $id)

Return ChildTemplate objects filtered by the id column

findByCreatedAt( string $created_at)

Return ChildTemplate objects filtered by the created_at column

findByUpdatedAt( string $updated_at)

Return ChildTemplate objects filtered by the updated_at column


at line 75
__construct( string $dbName = 'thelia', string $modelName = '\\Thelia\\Model\\Template', string $modelAlias = null)

Initializes internal state of \Thelia\Model\Base\TemplateQuery object.


string $dbName The database name
string $modelName The phpName of a model, e.g. 'Book'
string $modelAlias The alias for the model in this query, e.g. 'b'

at line 88
static TemplateQuery create( string $modelAlias = null, Criteria $criteria = null)

Returns a new ChildTemplateQuery object.


string $modelAlias The alias of a model in the query
Criteria $criteria Optional Criteria to build the query from

Return Value


at line 118
Template|array|mixed findPk( mixed $key, ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Find object by primary key.

Propel uses the instance pool to skip the database if the object exists. Go fast if the query is untouched.

$obj = $c->findPk(12, $con);


mixed $key Primary key to use for the query
ConnectionInterface $con an optional connection object

Return Value

Template|array|mixed the result, formatted by the current formatter

at line 200
ObjectCollection|array|mixed findPks( array $keys, ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Find objects by primary key $objs = $c->findPks(array(12, 56, 832), $con);


array $keys Primary keys to use for the query
ConnectionInterface $con an optional connection object

Return Value

ObjectCollection|array|mixed the list of results, formatted by the current formatter

at line 221
TemplateQuery filterByPrimaryKey( mixed $key)

Filter the query by primary key


mixed $key Primary key to use for the query

Return Value

TemplateQuery The current query, for fluid interface

at line 234
TemplateQuery filterByPrimaryKeys( array $keys)

Filter the query by a list of primary keys


array $keys The list of primary key to use for the query

Return Value

TemplateQuery The current query, for fluid interface

at line 258
TemplateQuery filterById( mixed $id = null, string $comparison = null)

Filter the query on the id column

Example usage: $query->filterById(1234); // WHERE id = 1234 $query->filterById(array(12, 34)); // WHERE id IN (12, 34) $query->filterById(array('min' => 12)); // WHERE id > 12


mixed $id The value to use as filter. Use scalar values for equality. Use array values for in_array() equivalent. Use associative array('min' => $minValue, 'max' => $maxValue) for intervals.
string $comparison Operator to use for the column comparison, defaults to Criteria::EQUAL

Return Value

TemplateQuery The current query, for fluid interface

at line 301
TemplateQuery filterByCreatedAt( mixed $createdAt = null, string $comparison = null)

Filter the query on the created_at column

Example usage: $query->filterByCreatedAt('2011-03-14'); // WHERE createdat = '2011-03-14' $query->filterByCreatedAt('now'); // WHERE createdat = '2011-03-14' $query->filterByCreatedAt(array('max' => 'yesterday')); // WHERE created_at > '2011-03-13'


mixed $createdAt The value to use as filter. Values can be integers (unix timestamps), DateTime objects, or strings. Empty strings are treated as NULL. Use scalar values for equality. Use array values for in_array() equivalent. Use associative array('min' => $minValue, 'max' => $maxValue) for intervals.
string $comparison Operator to use for the column comparison, defaults to Criteria::EQUAL

Return Value

TemplateQuery The current query, for fluid interface

at line 344
TemplateQuery filterByUpdatedAt( mixed $updatedAt = null, string $comparison = null)

Filter the query on the updated_at column

Example usage: $query->filterByUpdatedAt('2011-03-14'); // WHERE updatedat = '2011-03-14' $query->filterByUpdatedAt('now'); // WHERE updatedat = '2011-03-14' $query->filterByUpdatedAt(array('max' => 'yesterday')); // WHERE updated_at > '2011-03-13'


mixed $updatedAt The value to use as filter. Values can be integers (unix timestamps), DateTime objects, or strings. Empty strings are treated as NULL. Use scalar values for equality. Use array values for in_array() equivalent. Use associative array('min' => $minValue, 'max' => $maxValue) for intervals.
string $comparison Operator to use for the column comparison, defaults to Criteria::EQUAL

Return Value

TemplateQuery The current query, for fluid interface

at line 375
TemplateQuery filterByProduct( Product|ObjectCollection $product, string $comparison = null)

Filter the query by a related \Thelia\Model\Product object


Product|ObjectCollection $product the related object to use as filter
string $comparison Operator to use for the column comparison, defaults to Criteria::EQUAL

Return Value

TemplateQuery The current query, for fluid interface

at line 398
TemplateQuery joinProduct( string $relationAlias = null, string $joinType = Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

Adds a JOIN clause to the query using the Product relation


string $relationAlias optional alias for the relation
string $joinType Accepted values are null, 'left join', 'right join', 'inner join'

Return Value

TemplateQuery The current query, for fluid interface

at line 433
ProductQuery useProductQuery( string $relationAlias = null, string $joinType = Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

Use the Product relation Product object


string $relationAlias optional alias for the relation, to be used as main alias in the secondary query
string $joinType Accepted values are null, 'left join', 'right join', 'inner join'

Return Value

ProductQuery A secondary query class using the current class as primary query

See also


at line 448
TemplateQuery filterByFeatureTemplate( FeatureTemplate|ObjectCollection $featureTemplate, string $comparison = null)

Filter the query by a related \Thelia\Model\FeatureTemplate object


FeatureTemplate|ObjectCollection $featureTemplate the related object to use as filter
string $comparison Operator to use for the column comparison, defaults to Criteria::EQUAL

Return Value

TemplateQuery The current query, for fluid interface

at line 471
TemplateQuery joinFeatureTemplate( string $relationAlias = null, string $joinType = Criteria::INNER_JOIN)

Adds a JOIN clause to the query using the FeatureTemplate relation


string $relationAlias optional alias for the relation
string $joinType Accepted values are null, 'left join', 'right join', 'inner join'

Return Value

TemplateQuery The current query, for fluid interface

at line 506
FeatureTemplateQuery useFeatureTemplateQuery( string $relationAlias = null, string $joinType = Criteria::INNER_JOIN)

Use the FeatureTemplate relation FeatureTemplate object


string $relationAlias optional alias for the relation, to be used as main alias in the secondary query
string $joinType Accepted values are null, 'left join', 'right join', 'inner join'

Return Value

FeatureTemplateQuery A secondary query class using the current class as primary query

See also


at line 521
TemplateQuery filterByAttributeTemplate( AttributeTemplate|ObjectCollection $attributeTemplate, string $comparison = null)

Filter the query by a related \Thelia\Model\AttributeTemplate object


AttributeTemplate|ObjectCollection $attributeTemplate the related object to use as filter
string $comparison Operator to use for the column comparison, defaults to Criteria::EQUAL

Return Value

TemplateQuery The current query, for fluid interface

at line 544
TemplateQuery joinAttributeTemplate( string $relationAlias = null, string $joinType = Criteria::INNER_JOIN)

Adds a JOIN clause to the query using the AttributeTemplate relation


string $relationAlias optional alias for the relation
string $joinType Accepted values are null, 'left join', 'right join', 'inner join'

Return Value

TemplateQuery The current query, for fluid interface

at line 579
AttributeTemplateQuery useAttributeTemplateQuery( string $relationAlias = null, string $joinType = Criteria::INNER_JOIN)

Use the AttributeTemplate relation AttributeTemplate object


string $relationAlias optional alias for the relation, to be used as main alias in the secondary query
string $joinType Accepted values are null, 'left join', 'right join', 'inner join'

Return Value

AttributeTemplateQuery A secondary query class using the current class as primary query

See also


at line 594
TemplateQuery filterByTemplateI18n( TemplateI18n|ObjectCollection $templateI18n, string $comparison = null)

Filter the query by a related \Thelia\Model\TemplateI18n object


TemplateI18n|ObjectCollection $templateI18n the related object to use as filter
string $comparison Operator to use for the column comparison, defaults to Criteria::EQUAL

Return Value

TemplateQuery The current query, for fluid interface

at line 617
TemplateQuery joinTemplateI18n( string $relationAlias = null, string $joinType = 'LEFT JOIN')

Adds a JOIN clause to the query using the TemplateI18n relation


string $relationAlias optional alias for the relation
string $joinType Accepted values are null, 'left join', 'right join', 'inner join'

Return Value

TemplateQuery The current query, for fluid interface

at line 652
TemplateI18nQuery useTemplateI18nQuery( string $relationAlias = null, string $joinType = 'LEFT JOIN')

Use the TemplateI18n relation TemplateI18n object


string $relationAlias optional alias for the relation, to be used as main alias in the secondary query
string $joinType Accepted values are null, 'left join', 'right join', 'inner join'

Return Value

TemplateI18nQuery A secondary query class using the current class as primary query

See also


at line 668
TemplateQuery filterByFeature( Feature $feature, string $comparison = Criteria::EQUAL)

Filter the query by a related Feature object using the feature_template table as cross reference


Feature $feature the related object to use as filter
string $comparison Operator to use for the column comparison, defaults to Criteria::EQUAL

Return Value

TemplateQuery The current query, for fluid interface

at line 685
TemplateQuery filterByAttribute( Attribute $attribute, string $comparison = Criteria::EQUAL)

Filter the query by a related Attribute object using the attribute_template table as cross reference


Attribute $attribute the related object to use as filter
string $comparison Operator to use for the column comparison, defaults to Criteria::EQUAL

Return Value

TemplateQuery The current query, for fluid interface

at line 700
TemplateQuery prune( Template $template = null)

Exclude object from result


Template $template Object to remove from the list of results

Return Value

TemplateQuery The current query, for fluid interface

at line 715
int doDeleteAll( ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Deletes all rows from the template table.


ConnectionInterface $con the connection to use

Return Value

int The number of affected rows (if supported by underlying database driver).

at line 752
int delete( ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Performs a DELETE on the database, given a ChildTemplate or Criteria object OR a primary key value.


ConnectionInterface $con

Return Value

int The number of affected rows (if supported by underlying database driver). This includes CASCADE-related rows if supported by native driver or if emulated using Propel.


PropelException Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a PropelException.

at line 795
TemplateQuery joinI18n( string $locale = 'en_US', string $relationAlias = null, string $joinType = Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

Adds a JOIN clause to the query using the i18n relation


string $locale Locale to use for the join condition, e.g. 'fr_FR'
string $relationAlias optional alias for the relation
string $joinType Accepted values are null, 'left join', 'right join', 'inner join'. Defaults to left join.

Return Value

TemplateQuery The current query, for fluid interface

at line 813
TemplateQuery joinWithI18n( string $locale = 'en_US', string $joinType = Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

Adds a JOIN clause to the query and hydrates the related I18n object.

Shortcut for $c->joinI18n($locale)->with()


string $locale Locale to use for the join condition, e.g. 'fr_FR'
string $joinType Accepted values are null, 'left join', 'right join', 'inner join'. Defaults to left join.

Return Value

TemplateQuery The current query, for fluid interface

at line 834
TemplateI18nQuery useI18nQuery( string $locale = 'en_US', string $relationAlias = null, string $joinType = Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

Use the I18n relation query object


string $locale Locale to use for the join condition, e.g. 'fr_FR'
string $relationAlias optional alias for the relation
string $joinType Accepted values are null, 'left join', 'right join', 'inner join'. Defaults to left join.

Return Value

TemplateI18nQuery A secondary query class using the current class as primary query

See also


at line 850
TemplateQuery recentlyUpdated( int $nbDays = 7)

Filter by the latest updated


int $nbDays Maximum age of the latest update in days

Return Value

TemplateQuery The current query, for fluid interface

at line 862
TemplateQuery recentlyCreated( int $nbDays = 7)

Filter by the latest created


int $nbDays Maximum age of in days

Return Value

TemplateQuery The current query, for fluid interface

at line 872
TemplateQuery lastUpdatedFirst()

Order by update date desc

Return Value

TemplateQuery The current query, for fluid interface

at line 882
TemplateQuery firstUpdatedFirst()

Order by update date asc

Return Value

TemplateQuery The current query, for fluid interface

at line 892
TemplateQuery lastCreatedFirst()

Order by create date desc

Return Value

TemplateQuery The current query, for fluid interface

at line 902
TemplateQuery firstCreatedFirst()

Order by create date asc

Return Value

TemplateQuery The current query, for fluid interface

at line 65
ChildTemplateQuery orderById($order = Criteria::ASC)

Order by the id column



Return Value


at line 65
ChildTemplateQuery orderByCreatedAt($order = Criteria::ASC)

Order by the created_at column



Return Value


at line 65
ChildTemplateQuery orderByUpdatedAt($order = Criteria::ASC)

Order by the updated_at column



Return Value


at line 65
ChildTemplateQuery groupById()

Group by the id column

Return Value


at line 65
ChildTemplateQuery groupByCreatedAt()

Group by the created_at column

Return Value


at line 65
ChildTemplateQuery groupByUpdatedAt()

Group by the updated_at column

Return Value


at line 65
ChildTemplateQuery leftJoin($relation)

Adds a LEFT JOIN clause to the query



Return Value


at line 65
ChildTemplateQuery rightJoin($relation)

Adds a RIGHT JOIN clause to the query



Return Value


at line 65
ChildTemplateQuery innerJoin($relation)

Adds a INNER JOIN clause to the query



Return Value


at line 65
ChildTemplateQuery leftJoinProduct($relationAlias = null)

Adds a LEFT JOIN clause to the query using the Product relation



Return Value


at line 65
ChildTemplateQuery rightJoinProduct($relationAlias = null)

Adds a RIGHT JOIN clause to the query using the Product relation



Return Value


at line 65
ChildTemplateQuery innerJoinProduct($relationAlias = null)

Adds a INNER JOIN clause to the query using the Product relation



Return Value


at line 65
ChildTemplateQuery leftJoinFeatureTemplate($relationAlias = null)

Adds a LEFT JOIN clause to the query using the FeatureTemplate relation



Return Value


at line 65
ChildTemplateQuery rightJoinFeatureTemplate($relationAlias = null)

Adds a RIGHT JOIN clause to the query using the FeatureTemplate relation



Return Value


at line 65
ChildTemplateQuery innerJoinFeatureTemplate($relationAlias = null)

Adds a INNER JOIN clause to the query using the FeatureTemplate relation



Return Value


at line 65
ChildTemplateQuery leftJoinAttributeTemplate($relationAlias = null)

Adds a LEFT JOIN clause to the query using the AttributeTemplate relation



Return Value


at line 65
ChildTemplateQuery rightJoinAttributeTemplate($relationAlias = null)

Adds a RIGHT JOIN clause to the query using the AttributeTemplate relation



Return Value


at line 65
ChildTemplateQuery innerJoinAttributeTemplate($relationAlias = null)

Adds a INNER JOIN clause to the query using the AttributeTemplate relation



Return Value


at line 65
ChildTemplateQuery leftJoinTemplateI18n($relationAlias = null)

Adds a LEFT JOIN clause to the query using the TemplateI18n relation



Return Value


at line 65
ChildTemplateQuery rightJoinTemplateI18n($relationAlias = null)

Adds a RIGHT JOIN clause to the query using the TemplateI18n relation



Return Value


at line 65
ChildTemplateQuery innerJoinTemplateI18n($relationAlias = null)

Adds a INNER JOIN clause to the query using the TemplateI18n relation



Return Value


at line 65
ChildTemplate findOne( ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Return the first ChildTemplate matching the query


ConnectionInterface $con

Return Value


at line 65
ChildTemplate findOneOrCreate( ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Return the first ChildTemplate matching the query, or a new ChildTemplate object populated from the query conditions when no match is found


ConnectionInterface $con

Return Value


at line 65
ChildTemplate findOneById( int $id)

Return the first ChildTemplate filtered by the id column


int $id

Return Value


at line 65
ChildTemplate findOneByCreatedAt( string $created_at)

Return the first ChildTemplate filtered by the created_at column


string $created_at

Return Value


at line 65
ChildTemplate findOneByUpdatedAt( string $updated_at)

Return the first ChildTemplate filtered by the updated_at column


string $updated_at

Return Value


at line 65
array findById( int $id)

Return ChildTemplate objects filtered by the id column


int $id

Return Value


at line 65
array findByCreatedAt( string $created_at)

Return ChildTemplate objects filtered by the created_at column


string $created_at

Return Value


at line 65
array findByUpdatedAt( string $updated_at)

Return ChildTemplate objects filtered by the updated_at column


string $updated_at

Return Value
