class Customer extends Customer implements UserInterface

Skeleton subclass for representing a row from the 'customer' table.

You should add additional methods to this class to meet the application requirements. This class will only be generated as long as it does not already exist in the output directory.


A trait to provide event dispatching mechanism to Model objects



TableMap class name



Applies default values to this object.

from  Customer

Initializes internal state of Thelia\Model\Base\Customer object.

from  Customer

Returns whether the object has been modified.

from  Customer
isColumnModified( string $col)

Has specified column been modified?

from  Customer

Get the columns that have been modified in this object.

from  Customer

Returns whether the object has ever been saved. This will be false, if the object was retrieved from storage or was created and then saved.

from  Customer
setNew( boolean $b)

Setter for the isNew attribute. This method will be called by Propel-generated children and objects.

from  Customer

Whether this object has been deleted.

from  Customer
setDeleted( boolean $b)

Specify whether this object has been deleted.

from  Customer
resetModified( string $col = null)

Sets the modified state for the object to be false.

from  Customer
equals( mixed $obj)

Compares this with another Customer instance. If obj is an instance of Customer, delegates to equals(Customer). Otherwise, returns false.

from  Customer

If the primary key is not null, return the hashcode of the primary key. Otherwise, return the hash code of the object.

from  Customer

Get the associative array of the virtual columns in this object

from  Customer
hasVirtualColumn( string $name)

Checks the existence of a virtual column in this object

from  Customer
getVirtualColumn( string $name)

Get the value of a virtual column in this object

from  Customer
setVirtualColumn( string $name, mixed $value)

Set the value of a virtual column in this object

from  Customer
importFrom( mixed $parser, string $data)

Populate the current object from a string, using a given parser format $book = new Book(); $book->importFrom('JSON', '{"Id":9012,"Title":"Don Juan","ISBN":"0140422161","Price":12.99,"PublisherId":1234,"AuthorId":5678}');

from  Customer
exportTo( mixed $parser, boolean $includeLazyLoadColumns = true)

Export the current object properties to a string, using a given parser format $book = BookQuery::create()->findPk(9012); echo $book->exportTo('JSON'); => {"Id":9012,"Title":"Don Juan","ISBN":"0140422161","Price":12.99,"PublisherId":1234,"AuthorId":5678}');

from  Customer

No description


Get the [id] column value.

from  Customer

Get the [title_id] column value.

from  Customer

Get the [lang_id] column value.

from  Customer

Get the [ref] column value.

from  Customer

Get the [firstname] column value.

from  Customer

Get the [lastname] column value.

from  Customer

Get the [email] column value.

from  Customer

Get the [password] column value.

from  Customer

Get the [algo] column value.

from  Customer

Get the [reseller] column value.

from  Customer

Get the [sponsor] column value.

from  Customer

Get the [discount] column value.

from  Customer

Get the [remembermetoken] column value.

from  Customer

Get the [remembermeserial] column value.

from  Customer

Get the [enable] column value.

from  Customer

Get the [confirmation_token] column value.

from  Customer
getCreatedAt( string $format = NULL)

Get the [optionally formatted] temporal [created_at] column value.

from  Customer
getUpdatedAt( string $format = NULL)

Get the [optionally formatted] temporal [updated_at] column value.

from  Customer

Get the [version] column value.

from  Customer
getVersionCreatedAt( string $format = NULL)

Get the [optionally formatted] temporal [versioncreatedat] column value.

from  Customer

Get the [versioncreatedby] column value.

from  Customer
setId( int $v)

Set the value of [id] column.

from  Customer
setTitleId( int $v)

Set the value of [title_id] column.

from  Customer
setLangId( int $v)

Set the value of [lang_id] column.

from  Customer
setRef( string $v)

Set the value of [ref] column.

setFirstname( string $v)

Set the value of [firstname] column.

from  Customer
setLastname( string $v)

Set the value of [lastname] column.

from  Customer
setEmail($email, $force = false)

Set the value of [email] column.

setPassword( string $password)

create hash for plain password and set it in Customer object

setAlgo( string $v)

Set the value of [algo] column.

from  Customer
setReseller( int $v)

Set the value of [reseller] column.

from  Customer
setSponsor( string $v)

Set the value of [sponsor] column.

from  Customer
setDiscount( string $v)

Set the value of [discount] column.

from  Customer
setRememberMeToken( string $v)

Set the value of [remembermetoken] column.

from  Customer
setRememberMeSerial( string $v)

Set the value of [remembermeserial] column.

from  Customer
setEnable( int $v)

Set the value of [enable] column.

from  Customer
setConfirmationToken( string $v)

Set the value of [confirmation_token] column.

from  Customer
setCreatedAt( mixed $v)

Sets the value of [created_at] column to a normalized version of the date/time value specified.

from  Customer
setUpdatedAt( mixed $v)

Sets the value of [updated_at] column to a normalized version of the date/time value specified.

from  Customer
setVersion( int $v)

Set the value of [version] column.

from  Customer
setVersionCreatedAt( mixed $v)

Sets the value of [versioncreatedat] column to a normalized version of the date/time value specified.

from  Customer
setVersionCreatedBy( string $v)

Set the value of [versioncreatedby] column.

from  Customer

Indicates whether the columns in this object are only set to default values.

from  Customer
hydrate( array $row, int $startcol, boolean $rehydrate = false, string $indexType = TableMap::TYPE_NUM)

Hydrates (populates) the object variables with values from the database resultset.

from  Customer

Checks and repairs the internal consistency of the object.

from  Customer
reload( boolean $deep = false, ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Reloads this object from datastore based on primary key and (optionally) resets all associated objects.

from  Customer
delete( ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Removes this object from datastore and sets delete attribute.

from  Customer
save( ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Persists this object to the database.

from  Customer
getByName( string $name, string $type = TableMap::TYPE_PHPNAME)

Retrieves a field from the object by name passed in as a string.

from  Customer
getByPosition( int $pos)

Retrieves a field from the object by Position as specified in the xml schema.

from  Customer
toArray( string $keyType = TableMap::TYPE_PHPNAME, boolean $includeLazyLoadColumns = true, array $alreadyDumpedObjects = array(), boolean $includeForeignObjects = false)

Exports the object as an array.

from  Customer
setByName( string $name, mixed $value, string $type = TableMap::TYPE_PHPNAME)

Sets a field from the object by name passed in as a string.

from  Customer
setByPosition( int $pos, mixed $value)

Sets a field from the object by Position as specified in the xml schema.

from  Customer
fromArray( array $arr, string $keyType = TableMap::TYPE_PHPNAME)

Populates the object using an array.

from  Customer

Build a Criteria object containing the values of all modified columns in this object.

from  Customer

Builds a Criteria object containing the primary key for this object.

from  Customer

Returns the primary key for this object (row).

from  Customer
setPrimaryKey( int $key)

Generic method to set the primary key (id column).

from  Customer

Returns true if the primary key for this object is null.

from  Customer
copyInto( object $copyObj, boolean $deepCopy = false, boolean $makeNew = true)

Sets contents of passed object to values from current object.

from  Customer
copy( boolean $deepCopy = false)

Makes a copy of this object that will be inserted as a new row in table when saved.

from  Customer
setCustomerTitle( CustomerTitle $v = null)

Declares an association between this object and a ChildCustomerTitle object.

from  Customer
getCustomerTitle( ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Get the associated ChildCustomerTitle object

from  Customer
setLangModel( Lang $v = null)

Declares an association between this object and a ChildLang object.

from  Customer
getLangModel( ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Get the associated ChildLang object

from  Customer
initRelation( string $relationName)

Initializes a collection based on the name of a relation.

from  Customer

Clears out the collAddresses collection

from  Customer
resetPartialAddresses($v = true)

Reset is the collAddresses collection loaded partially.

from  Customer
initAddresses( boolean $overrideExisting = true)

Initializes the collAddresses collection.

from  Customer
getAddresses( Criteria $criteria = null, ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Gets an array of ChildAddress objects which contain a foreign key that references this object.

from  Customer
setAddresses( Collection $addresses, ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Sets a collection of Address objects related by a one-to-many relationship to the current object.

from  Customer
countAddresses( Criteria $criteria = null, boolean $distinct = false, ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Returns the number of related Address objects.

from  Customer
addAddress( Address $l)

Method called to associate a ChildAddress object to this object through the ChildAddress foreign key attribute.

from  Customer
removeAddress( Address $address)

No description

from  Customer
getAddressesJoinCustomerTitle( Criteria $criteria = null, ConnectionInterface $con = null, string $joinBehavior = Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.

from  Customer
getAddressesJoinCountry( Criteria $criteria = null, ConnectionInterface $con = null, string $joinBehavior = Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.

from  Customer
getAddressesJoinState( Criteria $criteria = null, ConnectionInterface $con = null, string $joinBehavior = Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.

from  Customer

Clears out the collOrders collection

from  Customer
resetPartialOrders($v = true)

Reset is the collOrders collection loaded partially.

from  Customer
initOrders( boolean $overrideExisting = true)

Initializes the collOrders collection.

from  Customer
getOrders( Criteria $criteria = null, ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Gets an array of ChildOrder objects which contain a foreign key that references this object.

from  Customer
setOrders( Collection $orders, ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Sets a collection of Order objects related by a one-to-many relationship to the current object.

from  Customer
countOrders( Criteria $criteria = null, boolean $distinct = false, ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Returns the number of related Order objects.

from  Customer
addOrder( Order $l)

Method called to associate a ChildOrder object to this object through the ChildOrder foreign key attribute.

from  Customer
removeOrder( Order $order)

No description

from  Customer
getOrdersJoinCurrency( Criteria $criteria = null, ConnectionInterface $con = null, string $joinBehavior = Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.

from  Customer
getOrdersJoinOrderAddressRelatedByInvoiceOrderAddressId( Criteria $criteria = null, ConnectionInterface $con = null, string $joinBehavior = Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.

from  Customer
getOrdersJoinOrderAddressRelatedByDeliveryOrderAddressId( Criteria $criteria = null, ConnectionInterface $con = null, string $joinBehavior = Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.

from  Customer
getOrdersJoinOrderStatus( Criteria $criteria = null, ConnectionInterface $con = null, string $joinBehavior = Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.

from  Customer
getOrdersJoinModuleRelatedByPaymentModuleId( Criteria $criteria = null, ConnectionInterface $con = null, string $joinBehavior = Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.

from  Customer
getOrdersJoinModuleRelatedByDeliveryModuleId( Criteria $criteria = null, ConnectionInterface $con = null, string $joinBehavior = Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.

from  Customer
getOrdersJoinLang( Criteria $criteria = null, ConnectionInterface $con = null, string $joinBehavior = Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.

from  Customer

Clears out the collCarts collection

from  Customer
resetPartialCarts($v = true)

Reset is the collCarts collection loaded partially.

from  Customer
initCarts( boolean $overrideExisting = true)

Initializes the collCarts collection.

from  Customer
getCarts( Criteria $criteria = null, ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Gets an array of ChildCart objects which contain a foreign key that references this object.

from  Customer
setCarts( Collection $carts, ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Sets a collection of Cart objects related by a one-to-many relationship to the current object.

from  Customer
countCarts( Criteria $criteria = null, boolean $distinct = false, ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Returns the number of related Cart objects.

from  Customer
addCart( Cart $l)

Method called to associate a ChildCart object to this object through the ChildCart foreign key attribute.

from  Customer
removeCart( Cart $cart)

No description

from  Customer
getCartsJoinAddressRelatedByAddressDeliveryId( Criteria $criteria = null, ConnectionInterface $con = null, string $joinBehavior = Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.

from  Customer
getCartsJoinAddressRelatedByAddressInvoiceId( Criteria $criteria = null, ConnectionInterface $con = null, string $joinBehavior = Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.

from  Customer
getCartsJoinCurrency( Criteria $criteria = null, ConnectionInterface $con = null, string $joinBehavior = Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.

from  Customer

Clears out the collCouponCustomerCounts collection

from  Customer
resetPartialCouponCustomerCounts($v = true)

Reset is the collCouponCustomerCounts collection loaded partially.

from  Customer
initCouponCustomerCounts( boolean $overrideExisting = true)

Initializes the collCouponCustomerCounts collection.

from  Customer
getCouponCustomerCounts( Criteria $criteria = null, ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Gets an array of ChildCouponCustomerCount objects which contain a foreign key that references this object.

from  Customer
setCouponCustomerCounts( Collection $couponCustomerCounts, ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Sets a collection of CouponCustomerCount objects related by a one-to-many relationship to the current object.

from  Customer
countCouponCustomerCounts( Criteria $criteria = null, boolean $distinct = false, ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Returns the number of related CouponCustomerCount objects.

from  Customer
addCouponCustomerCount( CouponCustomerCount $l)

Method called to associate a ChildCouponCustomerCount object to this object through the ChildCouponCustomerCount foreign key attribute.

from  Customer
removeCouponCustomerCount( CouponCustomerCount $couponCustomerCount)

No description

from  Customer
getCouponCustomerCountsJoinCoupon( Criteria $criteria = null, ConnectionInterface $con = null, string $joinBehavior = Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.

from  Customer

Clears out the collCustomerVersions collection

from  Customer
resetPartialCustomerVersions($v = true)

Reset is the collCustomerVersions collection loaded partially.

from  Customer
initCustomerVersions( boolean $overrideExisting = true)

Initializes the collCustomerVersions collection.

from  Customer
getCustomerVersions( Criteria $criteria = null, ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Gets an array of ChildCustomerVersion objects which contain a foreign key that references this object.

from  Customer
setCustomerVersions( Collection $customerVersions, ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Sets a collection of CustomerVersion objects related by a one-to-many relationship to the current object.

from  Customer
countCustomerVersions( Criteria $criteria = null, boolean $distinct = false, ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Returns the number of related CustomerVersion objects.

from  Customer
addCustomerVersion( CustomerVersion $l)

Method called to associate a ChildCustomerVersion object to this object through the ChildCustomerVersion foreign key attribute.

from  Customer
removeCustomerVersion( CustomerVersion $customerVersion)

No description

from  Customer

Clears out the collCoupons collection

from  Customer

Initializes the collCoupons collection.

from  Customer
getCoupons( Criteria $criteria = null, ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Gets a collection of ChildCoupon objects related by a many-to-many relationship to the current object by way of the couponcustomercount cross-reference table.

from  Customer
setCoupons( Collection $coupons, ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Sets a collection of Coupon objects related by a many-to-many relationship to the current object by way of the couponcustomercount cross-reference table.

from  Customer
countCoupons( Criteria $criteria = null, boolean $distinct = false, ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Gets the number of ChildCoupon objects related by a many-to-many relationship to the current object by way of the couponcustomercount cross-reference table.

from  Customer
addCoupon( Coupon $coupon)

Associate a ChildCoupon object to this object through the couponcustomercount cross reference table.

from  Customer
removeCoupon( Coupon $coupon)

Remove a ChildCoupon object to this object through the couponcustomercount cross reference table.

from  Customer

Clears the current object and sets all attributes to their default values

from  Customer
clearAllReferences( boolean $deep = false)

Resets all references to other model objects or collections of model objects.

from  Customer

Return the string representation of this object

from  Customer

Mark the current object so that the update date doesn't get updated during next save

from  Customer

Enforce a new Version of this object upon next save.

from  Customer
isVersioningNecessary($con = null)

Checks whether the current state must be recorded as a version

from  Customer
addVersion( ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Creates a version of the current object and saves it.

from  Customer
toVersion( integer $versionNumber, ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Sets the properties of the current object to the value they had at a specific version

from  Customer
populateFromVersion( CustomerVersion $version, ConnectionInterface $con = null, array $loadedObjects = array())

Sets the properties of the current object to the value they had at a specific version

from  Customer
getLastVersionNumber( ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Gets the latest persisted version number for the current object

from  Customer
isLastVersion( ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Checks whether the current object is the latest one

from  Customer
getOneVersion( integer $versionNumber, ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Retrieves a version object for this entity and a version number

from  Customer
getAllVersions( ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Gets all the versions of this object, in incremental order

from  Customer
compareVersion( integer $versionNumber, string $keys = 'columns', ConnectionInterface $con = null, array $ignoredColumns = array())

Compares the current object with another of its version.

from  Customer
compareVersions( integer $fromVersionNumber, integer $toVersionNumber, string $keys = 'columns', ConnectionInterface $con = null, array $ignoredColumns = array())

Compares two versions of the current object.

from  Customer
getLastVersions($number = 10, $criteria = null, $con = null)

retrieve the last $number versions.

from  Customer
preSave( ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Code to be run before persisting the object

from  Customer
postSave( ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Code to be run after persisting the object

from  Customer
preInsert( ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Code to be run before inserting to database

postInsert( ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Code to be run after inserting to database

preUpdate( ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Code to be run before updating the object in database

postUpdate( ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Code to be run after updating the object in database

preDelete( ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Code to be run before deleting the object in database

postDelete( ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Code to be run after deleting the object in database

__call( string $name, mixed $params)

Derived method to catches calls to undefined methods.

from  Customer
setDispatcher( EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher)

No description


No description


No description

createOrUpdate( int $titleId, string $firstname, string $lastname, string $address1, string $address2, string $address3, string $phone, string $cellphone, string $zipcode, string $city, int $countryId, string $email = null, string $plainPassword = null, string $lang = null, int $reseller, null $sponsor = null, int $discount, null $company = null, null $ref = null, bool $forceEmailUpdate = false, int $stateId = null)

No description


Return the customer lang, or the default one if none is defined.


Get lang identifier

setLang( integer $langId)

Set lang identifier


No description


Return the user unique name

checkPassword( string $password)

Check a string against a the user password


Removes sensitive data from the user.


Returns the roles granted to the user.


return the user token (used by remember me authnetication system)

setToken( string $token)

Set a token in the user data (used by remember me authnetication system)


return the user serial (used by remember me authnetication system)


No description

setSerial( string $serial)

Set a serial number int the user data (used by remember me authnetication system)


in Customer at line 309

Applies default values to this object.

This method should be called from the object's constructor (or equivalent initialization method).

See also


in Customer at line 320

Initializes internal state of Thelia\Model\Base\Customer object.

See also


in Customer at line 330
boolean isModified()

Returns whether the object has been modified.

Return Value

boolean True if the object has been modified.

in Customer at line 341
boolean isColumnModified( string $col)

Has specified column been modified?


string $col column fully qualified name (TableMap::TYPECOLNAME), e.g. Book::AUTHORID

Return Value

boolean True if $col has been modified.

in Customer at line 350
array getModifiedColumns()

Get the columns that have been modified in this object.

Return Value

array A unique list of the modified column names for this object.

in Customer at line 362
boolean isNew()

Returns whether the object has ever been saved. This will be false, if the object was retrieved from storage or was created and then saved.

Return Value

boolean true, if the object has never been persisted.

in Customer at line 373
setNew( boolean $b)

Setter for the isNew attribute. This method will be called by Propel-generated children and objects.


boolean $b the state of the object.

in Customer at line 382
boolean isDeleted()

Whether this object has been deleted.

Return Value

boolean The deleted state of this object.

in Customer at line 392
void setDeleted( boolean $b)

Specify whether this object has been deleted.


boolean $b The deleted state of this object.

Return Value


in Customer at line 402
void resetModified( string $col = null)

Sets the modified state for the object to be false.


string $col If supplied, only the specified column is reset.

Return Value


in Customer at line 421
boolean equals( mixed $obj)

Compares this with another Customer instance. If obj is an instance of Customer, delegates to equals(Customer). Otherwise, returns false.


mixed $obj The object to compare to.

Return Value

boolean Whether equal to the object specified.

in Customer at line 446
int hashCode()

If the primary key is not null, return the hashcode of the primary key. Otherwise, return the hash code of the object.

Return Value

int Hashcode

in Customer at line 460
array getVirtualColumns()

Get the associative array of the virtual columns in this object

Return Value


in Customer at line 471
boolean hasVirtualColumn( string $name)

Checks the existence of a virtual column in this object


string $name The virtual column name

Return Value


in Customer at line 484
mixed getVirtualColumn( string $name)

Get the value of a virtual column in this object


string $name The virtual column name

Return Value




in Customer at line 501
Customer setVirtualColumn( string $name, mixed $value)

Set the value of a virtual column in this object


string $name The virtual column name
mixed $value The value to give to the virtual column

Return Value

Customer The current object, for fluid interface

in Customer at line 533
Customer importFrom( mixed $parser, string $data)

Populate the current object from a string, using a given parser format $book = new Book(); $book->importFrom('JSON', '{"Id":9012,"Title":"Don Juan","ISBN":"0140422161","Price":12.99,"PublisherId":1234,"AuthorId":5678}');


mixed $parser A AbstractParser instance, or a format name ('XML', 'YAML', 'JSON', 'CSV')
string $data The source data to import from

Return Value

Customer The current object, for fluid interface

in Customer at line 556
string exportTo( mixed $parser, boolean $includeLazyLoadColumns = true)

Export the current object properties to a string, using a given parser format $book = BookQuery::create()->findPk(9012); echo $book->exportTo('JSON'); => {"Id":9012,"Title":"Don Juan","ISBN":"0140422161","Price":12.99,"PublisherId":1234,"AuthorId":5678}');


mixed $parser A AbstractParser instance, or a format name ('XML', 'YAML', 'JSON', 'CSV')
boolean $includeLazyLoadColumns (optional) Whether to include lazy load(ed) columns. Defaults to TRUE.

Return Value

string The exported data


in Customer at line 581
int getId()

Get the [id] column value.

Return Value


in Customer at line 592
int getTitleId()

Get the [title_id] column value.

Return Value


in Customer at line 603
int getLangId()

Get the [lang_id] column value.

Return Value


in Customer at line 614
string getRef()

Get the [ref] column value.

Return Value


in Customer at line 625
string getFirstname()

Get the [firstname] column value.

Return Value


in Customer at line 636
string getLastname()

Get the [lastname] column value.

Return Value


in Customer at line 647
string getEmail()

Get the [email] column value.

Return Value


in Customer at line 658
string getPassword()

Get the [password] column value.

Return Value


in Customer at line 669
string getAlgo()

Get the [algo] column value.

Return Value


in Customer at line 680
int getReseller()

Get the [reseller] column value.

Return Value


in Customer at line 691
string getSponsor()

Get the [sponsor] column value.

Return Value


in Customer at line 702
string getDiscount()

Get the [discount] column value.

Return Value


in Customer at line 713
string getRememberMeToken()

Get the [remembermetoken] column value.

Return Value


in Customer at line 724
string getRememberMeSerial()

Get the [remembermeserial] column value.

Return Value


in Customer at line 735
int getEnable()

Get the [enable] column value.

Return Value


in Customer at line 746
string getConfirmationToken()

Get the [confirmation_token] column value.

Return Value


in Customer at line 763
mixed getCreatedAt( string $format = NULL)

Get the [optionally formatted] temporal [created_at] column value.


string $format The date/time format string (either date()-style or strftime()-style). If format is NULL, then the raw \DateTime object will be returned.

Return Value

mixed Formatted date/time value as string or \DateTime object (if format is NULL), NULL if column is NULL, and 0 if column value is 0000-00-00 00:00:00


  • if unable to parse/validate the date/time value.

in Customer at line 783
mixed getUpdatedAt( string $format = NULL)

Get the [optionally formatted] temporal [updated_at] column value.


string $format The date/time format string (either date()-style or strftime()-style). If format is NULL, then the raw \DateTime object will be returned.

Return Value

mixed Formatted date/time value as string or \DateTime object (if format is NULL), NULL if column is NULL, and 0 if column value is 0000-00-00 00:00:00


  • if unable to parse/validate the date/time value.

in Customer at line 797
int getVersion()

Get the [version] column value.

Return Value


in Customer at line 814
mixed getVersionCreatedAt( string $format = NULL)

Get the [optionally formatted] temporal [versioncreatedat] column value.


string $format The date/time format string (either date()-style or strftime()-style). If format is NULL, then the raw \DateTime object will be returned.

Return Value

mixed Formatted date/time value as string or \DateTime object (if format is NULL), NULL if column is NULL, and 0 if column value is 0000-00-00 00:00:00


  • if unable to parse/validate the date/time value.

in Customer at line 828
string getVersionCreatedBy()

Get the [versioncreatedby] column value.

Return Value


in Customer at line 840
Customer setId( int $v)

Set the value of [id] column.


int $v new value

Return Value

Customer The current object (for fluent API support)

in Customer at line 861
Customer setTitleId( int $v)

Set the value of [title_id] column.


int $v new value

Return Value

Customer The current object (for fluent API support)

in Customer at line 886
Customer setLangId( int $v)

Set the value of [lang_id] column.


int $v new value

Return Value

Customer The current object (for fluent API support)

at line 232
Customer setRef( string $v)

Set the value of [ref] column.


string $v new value

Return Value

Customer The current object (for fluent API support)

in Customer at line 932
Customer setFirstname( string $v)

Set the value of [firstname] column.


string $v new value

Return Value

Customer The current object (for fluent API support)

in Customer at line 953
Customer setLastname( string $v)

Set the value of [lastname] column.


string $v new value

Return Value

Customer The current object (for fluent API support)

at line 274
Customer setEmail($email, $force = false)

Set the value of [email] column.



Return Value

Customer The current object (for fluent API support)

at line 248
Customer setPassword( string $password)

create hash for plain password and set it in Customer object


string $password plain password before hashing

Return Value

Customer The current object (for fluent API support)



in Customer at line 1016
Customer setAlgo( string $v)

Set the value of [algo] column.


string $v new value

Return Value

Customer The current object (for fluent API support)

in Customer at line 1037
Customer setReseller( int $v)

Set the value of [reseller] column.


int $v new value

Return Value

Customer The current object (for fluent API support)

in Customer at line 1058
Customer setSponsor( string $v)

Set the value of [sponsor] column.


string $v new value

Return Value

Customer The current object (for fluent API support)

in Customer at line 1079
Customer setDiscount( string $v)

Set the value of [discount] column.


string $v new value

Return Value

Customer The current object (for fluent API support)

in Customer at line 1100
Customer setRememberMeToken( string $v)

Set the value of [remembermetoken] column.


string $v new value

Return Value

Customer The current object (for fluent API support)

in Customer at line 1121
Customer setRememberMeSerial( string $v)

Set the value of [remembermeserial] column.


string $v new value

Return Value

Customer The current object (for fluent API support)

in Customer at line 1142
Customer setEnable( int $v)

Set the value of [enable] column.


int $v new value

Return Value

Customer The current object (for fluent API support)

in Customer at line 1163
Customer setConfirmationToken( string $v)

Set the value of [confirmation_token] column.


string $v new value

Return Value

Customer The current object (for fluent API support)

in Customer at line 1185
Customer setCreatedAt( mixed $v)

Sets the value of [created_at] column to a normalized version of the date/time value specified.


mixed $v string, integer (timestamp), or \DateTime value. Empty strings are treated as NULL.

Return Value

Customer The current object (for fluent API support)

in Customer at line 1206
Customer setUpdatedAt( mixed $v)

Sets the value of [updated_at] column to a normalized version of the date/time value specified.


mixed $v string, integer (timestamp), or \DateTime value. Empty strings are treated as NULL.

Return Value

Customer The current object (for fluent API support)

in Customer at line 1226
Customer setVersion( int $v)

Set the value of [version] column.


int $v new value

Return Value

Customer The current object (for fluent API support)

in Customer at line 1248
Customer setVersionCreatedAt( mixed $v)

Sets the value of [versioncreatedat] column to a normalized version of the date/time value specified.


mixed $v string, integer (timestamp), or \DateTime value. Empty strings are treated as NULL.

Return Value

Customer The current object (for fluent API support)

in Customer at line 1268
Customer setVersionCreatedBy( string $v)

Set the value of [versioncreatedby] column.


string $v new value

Return Value

Customer The current object (for fluent API support)

in Customer at line 1291
boolean hasOnlyDefaultValues()

Indicates whether the columns in this object are only set to default values.

This method can be used in conjunction with isModified() to indicate whether an object is both modified and has some values set which are non-default.

Return Value

boolean Whether the columns in this object are only been set with default values.

in Customer at line 1327
int hydrate( array $row, int $startcol, boolean $rehydrate = false, string $indexType = TableMap::TYPE_NUM)

Hydrates (populates) the object variables with values from the database resultset.

An offset (0-based "start column") is specified so that objects can be hydrated with a subset of the columns in the resultset rows. This is needed, for example, for results of JOIN queries where the resultset row includes columns from two or more tables.


array $row The row returned by DataFetcher->fetch().
int $startcol 0-based offset column which indicates which restultset column to start with.
boolean $rehydrate Whether this object is being re-hydrated from the database.
string $indexType The index type of $row. Mostly DataFetcher->getIndexType(). One of the class type constants TableMap::TYPEPHPNAME, TableMap::TYPESTUDLYPHPNAME TableMap::TYPECOLNAME, TableMap::TYPEFIELDNAME, TableMap::TYPE_NUM.

Return Value

int next starting column


  • Any caught Exception will be rewrapped as a PropelException.

in Customer at line 1431

Checks and repairs the internal consistency of the object.

This method is executed after an already-instantiated object is re-hydrated from the database. It exists to check any foreign keys to make sure that the objects related to the current object are correct based on foreign key.

You can override this method in the stub class, but you should always invoke the base method from the overridden method (i.e. parent::ensureConsistency()), in case your model changes.



in Customer at line 1451
void reload( boolean $deep = false, ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Reloads this object from datastore based on primary key and (optionally) resets all associated objects.

This will only work if the object has been saved and has a valid primary key set.


boolean $deep (optional) Whether to also de-associated any related objects.
ConnectionInterface $con (optional) The ConnectionInterface connection to use.

Return Value



  • if this object is deleted, unsaved or doesn't have pk match in db

in Customer at line 1503
void delete( ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Removes this object from datastore and sets delete attribute.


ConnectionInterface $con

Return Value




See also


in Customer at line 1545
int save( ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Persists this object to the database.

If the object is new, it inserts it; otherwise an update is performed. All modified related objects will also be persisted in the doSave() method. This method wraps all precipitate database operations in a single transaction.


ConnectionInterface $con

Return Value

int The number of rows affected by this insert/update and any referring fk objects' save() operations.



See also


in Customer at line 1974
mixed getByName( string $name, string $type = TableMap::TYPE_PHPNAME)

Retrieves a field from the object by name passed in as a string.


string $name name
string $type The type of fieldname the $name is of: one of the class type constants TableMap::TYPEPHPNAME, TableMap::TYPESTUDLYPHPNAME TableMap::TYPECOLNAME, TableMap::TYPEFIELDNAME, TableMap::TYPENUM. Defaults to TableMap::TYPEPHPNAME.

Return Value

mixed Value of field.

in Customer at line 1989
mixed getByPosition( int $pos)

Retrieves a field from the object by Position as specified in the xml schema.



int $pos position in xml schema

Return Value

mixed Value of field at $pos

in Customer at line 2076
array toArray( string $keyType = TableMap::TYPE_PHPNAME, boolean $includeLazyLoadColumns = true, array $alreadyDumpedObjects = array(), boolean $includeForeignObjects = false)

Exports the object as an array.

You can specify the key type of the array by passing one of the class type constants.


string $keyType (optional) One of the class type constants TableMap::TYPEPHPNAME, TableMap::TYPESTUDLYPHPNAME, TableMap::TYPECOLNAME, TableMap::TYPEFIELDNAME, TableMap::TYPENUM. Defaults to TableMap::TYPEPHPNAME.
boolean $includeLazyLoadColumns (optional) Whether to include lazy loaded columns. Defaults to TRUE.
array $alreadyDumpedObjects List of objects to skip to avoid recursion
boolean $includeForeignObjects (optional) Whether to include hydrated related objects. Default to FALSE.

Return Value

array an associative array containing the field names (as keys) and field values

in Customer at line 2149
void setByName( string $name, mixed $value, string $type = TableMap::TYPE_PHPNAME)

Sets a field from the object by name passed in as a string.


string $name
mixed $value field value
string $type The type of fieldname the $name is of: one of the class type constants TableMap::TYPEPHPNAME, TableMap::TYPESTUDLYPHPNAME TableMap::TYPECOLNAME, TableMap::TYPEFIELDNAME, TableMap::TYPENUM. Defaults to TableMap::TYPEPHPNAME.

Return Value


in Customer at line 2164
void setByPosition( int $pos, mixed $value)

Sets a field from the object by Position as specified in the xml schema.



int $pos position in xml schema
mixed $value field value

Return Value


in Customer at line 2250
void fromArray( array $arr, string $keyType = TableMap::TYPE_PHPNAME)

Populates the object using an array.

This is particularly useful when populating an object from one of the request arrays (e.g. $_POST). This method goes through the column names, checking to see whether a matching key exists in populated array. If so the setByName() method is called for that column.

You can specify the key type of the array by additionally passing one of the class type constants TableMap::TYPEPHPNAME, TableMap::TYPESTUDLYPHPNAME, TableMap::TYPECOLNAME, TableMap::TYPEFIELDNAME, TableMap::TYPENUM. The default key type is the column's TableMap::TYPEPHPNAME.


array $arr An array to populate the object from.
string $keyType The type of keys the array uses.

Return Value


in Customer at line 2282
Criteria buildCriteria()

Build a Criteria object containing the values of all modified columns in this object.

Return Value

Criteria The Criteria object containing all modified values.

in Customer at line 2319
Criteria buildPkeyCriteria()

Builds a Criteria object containing the primary key for this object.

Unlike buildCriteria() this method includes the primary key values regardless of whether or not they have been modified.

Return Value

Criteria The Criteria object containing value(s) for primary key(s).

in Customer at line 2331
int getPrimaryKey()

Returns the primary key for this object (row).

Return Value


in Customer at line 2342
void setPrimaryKey( int $key)

Generic method to set the primary key (id column).


int $key Primary key.

Return Value


in Customer at line 2351
boolean isPrimaryKeyNull()

Returns true if the primary key for this object is null.

Return Value


in Customer at line 2368
copyInto( object $copyObj, boolean $deepCopy = false, boolean $makeNew = true)

Sets contents of passed object to values from current object.

If desired, this method can also make copies of all associated (fkey referrers) objects.


object $copyObj An object of \Thelia\Model\Customer (or compatible) type.
boolean $deepCopy Whether to also copy all rows that refer (by fkey) to the current row.
boolean $makeNew Whether to reset autoincrement PKs and make the object new.



in Customer at line 2446
Customer copy( boolean $deepCopy = false)

Makes a copy of this object that will be inserted as a new row in table when saved.

It creates a new object filling in the simple attributes, but skipping any primary keys that are defined for the table.

If desired, this method can also make copies of all associated (fkey referrers) objects.


boolean $deepCopy Whether to also copy all rows that refer (by fkey) to the current row.

Return Value

Customer Clone of current object.



in Customer at line 2463
Customer setCustomerTitle( CustomerTitle $v = null)

Declares an association between this object and a ChildCustomerTitle object.


CustomerTitle $v

Return Value

Customer The current object (for fluent API support)



in Customer at line 2491
CustomerTitle getCustomerTitle( ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Get the associated ChildCustomerTitle object


ConnectionInterface $con Optional Connection object.

Return Value

CustomerTitle The associated ChildCustomerTitle object.



in Customer at line 2514
Customer setLangModel( Lang $v = null)

Declares an association between this object and a ChildLang object.


Lang $v

Return Value

Customer The current object (for fluent API support)



in Customer at line 2542
Lang getLangModel( ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Get the associated ChildLang object


ConnectionInterface $con Optional Connection object.

Return Value

Lang The associated ChildLang object.



in Customer at line 2567
void initRelation( string $relationName)

Initializes a collection based on the name of a relation.

Avoids crafting an 'init[$relationName]s' method name that wouldn't work when StandardEnglishPluralizer is used.


string $relationName The name of the relation to initialize

Return Value


in Customer at line 2595
void clearAddresses()

Clears out the collAddresses collection

This does not modify the database; however, it will remove any associated objects, causing them to be refetched by subsequent calls to accessor method.

Return Value


See also


in Customer at line 2603
resetPartialAddresses($v = true)

Reset is the collAddresses collection loaded partially.



in Customer at line 2620
void initAddresses( boolean $overrideExisting = true)

Initializes the collAddresses collection.

By default this just sets the collAddresses collection to an empty array (like clearcollAddresses()); however, you may wish to override this method in your stub class to provide setting appropriate to your application -- for example, setting the initial array to the values stored in database.


boolean $overrideExisting If set to true, the method call initializes the collection even if it is not empty

Return Value


in Customer at line 2643
Collection|Address[] getAddresses( Criteria $criteria = null, ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Gets an array of ChildAddress objects which contain a foreign key that references this object.

If the $criteria is not null, it is used to always fetch the results from the database. Otherwise the results are fetched from the database the first time, then cached. Next time the same method is called without $criteria, the cached collection is returned. If this ChildCustomer is new, it will return an empty collection or the current collection; the criteria is ignored on a new object.


Criteria $criteria optional Criteria object to narrow the query
ConnectionInterface $con optional connection object

Return Value

Collection|Address[] List of ChildAddress objects



in Customer at line 2699
Customer setAddresses( Collection $addresses, ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Sets a collection of Address objects related by a one-to-many relationship to the current object.

It will also schedule objects for deletion based on a diff between old objects (aka persisted) and new objects from the given Propel collection.


Collection $addresses A Propel collection.
ConnectionInterface $con Optional connection object

Return Value

Customer The current object (for fluent API support)

in Customer at line 2730
int countAddresses( Criteria $criteria = null, boolean $distinct = false, ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Returns the number of related Address objects.


Criteria $criteria
boolean $distinct
ConnectionInterface $con

Return Value

int Count of related Address objects.



in Customer at line 2762
Customer addAddress( Address $l)

Method called to associate a ChildAddress object to this object through the ChildAddress foreign key attribute.


Address $l ChildAddress

Return Value

Customer The current object (for fluent API support)

in Customer at line 2789
Customer removeAddress( Address $address)


Address $address The address object to remove.

Return Value

Customer The current object (for fluent API support)

in Customer at line 2821
Collection|Address[] getAddressesJoinCustomerTitle( Criteria $criteria = null, ConnectionInterface $con = null, string $joinBehavior = Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.

Otherwise if this Customer is new, it will return an empty collection; or if this Customer has previously been saved, it will retrieve related Addresses from storage.

This method is protected by default in order to keep the public api reasonable. You can provide public methods for those you actually need in Customer.


Criteria $criteria optional Criteria object to narrow the query
ConnectionInterface $con optional connection object
string $joinBehavior optional join type to use (defaults to Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

Return Value

Collection|Address[] List of ChildAddress objects

in Customer at line 2846
Collection|Address[] getAddressesJoinCountry( Criteria $criteria = null, ConnectionInterface $con = null, string $joinBehavior = Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.

Otherwise if this Customer is new, it will return an empty collection; or if this Customer has previously been saved, it will retrieve related Addresses from storage.

This method is protected by default in order to keep the public api reasonable. You can provide public methods for those you actually need in Customer.


Criteria $criteria optional Criteria object to narrow the query
ConnectionInterface $con optional connection object
string $joinBehavior optional join type to use (defaults to Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

Return Value

Collection|Address[] List of ChildAddress objects

in Customer at line 2871
Collection|Address[] getAddressesJoinState( Criteria $criteria = null, ConnectionInterface $con = null, string $joinBehavior = Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.

Otherwise if this Customer is new, it will return an empty collection; or if this Customer has previously been saved, it will retrieve related Addresses from storage.

This method is protected by default in order to keep the public api reasonable. You can provide public methods for those you actually need in Customer.


Criteria $criteria optional Criteria object to narrow the query
ConnectionInterface $con optional connection object
string $joinBehavior optional join type to use (defaults to Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

Return Value

Collection|Address[] List of ChildAddress objects

in Customer at line 2888
void clearOrders()

Clears out the collOrders collection

This does not modify the database; however, it will remove any associated objects, causing them to be refetched by subsequent calls to accessor method.

Return Value


See also


in Customer at line 2896
resetPartialOrders($v = true)

Reset is the collOrders collection loaded partially.



in Customer at line 2913
void initOrders( boolean $overrideExisting = true)

Initializes the collOrders collection.

By default this just sets the collOrders collection to an empty array (like clearcollOrders()); however, you may wish to override this method in your stub class to provide setting appropriate to your application -- for example, setting the initial array to the values stored in database.


boolean $overrideExisting If set to true, the method call initializes the collection even if it is not empty

Return Value


in Customer at line 2936
Collection|Order[] getOrders( Criteria $criteria = null, ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Gets an array of ChildOrder objects which contain a foreign key that references this object.

If the $criteria is not null, it is used to always fetch the results from the database. Otherwise the results are fetched from the database the first time, then cached. Next time the same method is called without $criteria, the cached collection is returned. If this ChildCustomer is new, it will return an empty collection or the current collection; the criteria is ignored on a new object.


Criteria $criteria optional Criteria object to narrow the query
ConnectionInterface $con optional connection object

Return Value

Collection|Order[] List of ChildOrder objects



in Customer at line 2992
Customer setOrders( Collection $orders, ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Sets a collection of Order objects related by a one-to-many relationship to the current object.

It will also schedule objects for deletion based on a diff between old objects (aka persisted) and new objects from the given Propel collection.


Collection $orders A Propel collection.
ConnectionInterface $con Optional connection object

Return Value

Customer The current object (for fluent API support)

in Customer at line 3023
int countOrders( Criteria $criteria = null, boolean $distinct = false, ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Returns the number of related Order objects.


Criteria $criteria
boolean $distinct
ConnectionInterface $con

Return Value

int Count of related Order objects.



in Customer at line 3055
Customer addOrder( Order $l)

Method called to associate a ChildOrder object to this object through the ChildOrder foreign key attribute.


Order $l ChildOrder

Return Value

Customer The current object (for fluent API support)

in Customer at line 3082
Customer removeOrder( Order $order)


Order $order The order object to remove.

Return Value

Customer The current object (for fluent API support)

in Customer at line 3114
Collection|Order[] getOrdersJoinCurrency( Criteria $criteria = null, ConnectionInterface $con = null, string $joinBehavior = Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.

Otherwise if this Customer is new, it will return an empty collection; or if this Customer has previously been saved, it will retrieve related Orders from storage.

This method is protected by default in order to keep the public api reasonable. You can provide public methods for those you actually need in Customer.


Criteria $criteria optional Criteria object to narrow the query
ConnectionInterface $con optional connection object
string $joinBehavior optional join type to use (defaults to Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

Return Value

Collection|Order[] List of ChildOrder objects

in Customer at line 3139
Collection|Order[] getOrdersJoinOrderAddressRelatedByInvoiceOrderAddressId( Criteria $criteria = null, ConnectionInterface $con = null, string $joinBehavior = Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.

Otherwise if this Customer is new, it will return an empty collection; or if this Customer has previously been saved, it will retrieve related Orders from storage.

This method is protected by default in order to keep the public api reasonable. You can provide public methods for those you actually need in Customer.


Criteria $criteria optional Criteria object to narrow the query
ConnectionInterface $con optional connection object
string $joinBehavior optional join type to use (defaults to Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

Return Value

Collection|Order[] List of ChildOrder objects

in Customer at line 3164
Collection|Order[] getOrdersJoinOrderAddressRelatedByDeliveryOrderAddressId( Criteria $criteria = null, ConnectionInterface $con = null, string $joinBehavior = Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.

Otherwise if this Customer is new, it will return an empty collection; or if this Customer has previously been saved, it will retrieve related Orders from storage.

This method is protected by default in order to keep the public api reasonable. You can provide public methods for those you actually need in Customer.


Criteria $criteria optional Criteria object to narrow the query
ConnectionInterface $con optional connection object
string $joinBehavior optional join type to use (defaults to Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

Return Value

Collection|Order[] List of ChildOrder objects

in Customer at line 3189
Collection|Order[] getOrdersJoinOrderStatus( Criteria $criteria = null, ConnectionInterface $con = null, string $joinBehavior = Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.

Otherwise if this Customer is new, it will return an empty collection; or if this Customer has previously been saved, it will retrieve related Orders from storage.

This method is protected by default in order to keep the public api reasonable. You can provide public methods for those you actually need in Customer.


Criteria $criteria optional Criteria object to narrow the query
ConnectionInterface $con optional connection object
string $joinBehavior optional join type to use (defaults to Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

Return Value

Collection|Order[] List of ChildOrder objects

in Customer at line 3214
Collection|Order[] getOrdersJoinModuleRelatedByPaymentModuleId( Criteria $criteria = null, ConnectionInterface $con = null, string $joinBehavior = Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.

Otherwise if this Customer is new, it will return an empty collection; or if this Customer has previously been saved, it will retrieve related Orders from storage.

This method is protected by default in order to keep the public api reasonable. You can provide public methods for those you actually need in Customer.


Criteria $criteria optional Criteria object to narrow the query
ConnectionInterface $con optional connection object
string $joinBehavior optional join type to use (defaults to Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

Return Value

Collection|Order[] List of ChildOrder objects

in Customer at line 3239
Collection|Order[] getOrdersJoinModuleRelatedByDeliveryModuleId( Criteria $criteria = null, ConnectionInterface $con = null, string $joinBehavior = Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.

Otherwise if this Customer is new, it will return an empty collection; or if this Customer has previously been saved, it will retrieve related Orders from storage.

This method is protected by default in order to keep the public api reasonable. You can provide public methods for those you actually need in Customer.


Criteria $criteria optional Criteria object to narrow the query
ConnectionInterface $con optional connection object
string $joinBehavior optional join type to use (defaults to Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

Return Value

Collection|Order[] List of ChildOrder objects

in Customer at line 3264
Collection|Order[] getOrdersJoinLang( Criteria $criteria = null, ConnectionInterface $con = null, string $joinBehavior = Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.

Otherwise if this Customer is new, it will return an empty collection; or if this Customer has previously been saved, it will retrieve related Orders from storage.

This method is protected by default in order to keep the public api reasonable. You can provide public methods for those you actually need in Customer.


Criteria $criteria optional Criteria object to narrow the query
ConnectionInterface $con optional connection object
string $joinBehavior optional join type to use (defaults to Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

Return Value

Collection|Order[] List of ChildOrder objects

in Customer at line 3281
void clearCarts()

Clears out the collCarts collection

This does not modify the database; however, it will remove any associated objects, causing them to be refetched by subsequent calls to accessor method.

Return Value


See also


in Customer at line 3289
resetPartialCarts($v = true)

Reset is the collCarts collection loaded partially.



in Customer at line 3306
void initCarts( boolean $overrideExisting = true)

Initializes the collCarts collection.

By default this just sets the collCarts collection to an empty array (like clearcollCarts()); however, you may wish to override this method in your stub class to provide setting appropriate to your application -- for example, setting the initial array to the values stored in database.


boolean $overrideExisting If set to true, the method call initializes the collection even if it is not empty

Return Value


in Customer at line 3329
Collection|Cart[] getCarts( Criteria $criteria = null, ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Gets an array of ChildCart objects which contain a foreign key that references this object.

If the $criteria is not null, it is used to always fetch the results from the database. Otherwise the results are fetched from the database the first time, then cached. Next time the same method is called without $criteria, the cached collection is returned. If this ChildCustomer is new, it will return an empty collection or the current collection; the criteria is ignored on a new object.


Criteria $criteria optional Criteria object to narrow the query
ConnectionInterface $con optional connection object

Return Value

Collection|Cart[] List of ChildCart objects



in Customer at line 3385
Customer setCarts( Collection $carts, ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Sets a collection of Cart objects related by a one-to-many relationship to the current object.

It will also schedule objects for deletion based on a diff between old objects (aka persisted) and new objects from the given Propel collection.


Collection $carts A Propel collection.
ConnectionInterface $con Optional connection object

Return Value

Customer The current object (for fluent API support)

in Customer at line 3416
int countCarts( Criteria $criteria = null, boolean $distinct = false, ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Returns the number of related Cart objects.


Criteria $criteria
boolean $distinct
ConnectionInterface $con

Return Value

int Count of related Cart objects.



in Customer at line 3448
Customer addCart( Cart $l)

Method called to associate a ChildCart object to this object through the ChildCart foreign key attribute.


Cart $l ChildCart

Return Value

Customer The current object (for fluent API support)

in Customer at line 3475
Customer removeCart( Cart $cart)


Cart $cart The cart object to remove.

Return Value

Customer The current object (for fluent API support)

in Customer at line 3507
Collection|Cart[] getCartsJoinAddressRelatedByAddressDeliveryId( Criteria $criteria = null, ConnectionInterface $con = null, string $joinBehavior = Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.

Otherwise if this Customer is new, it will return an empty collection; or if this Customer has previously been saved, it will retrieve related Carts from storage.

This method is protected by default in order to keep the public api reasonable. You can provide public methods for those you actually need in Customer.


Criteria $criteria optional Criteria object to narrow the query
ConnectionInterface $con optional connection object
string $joinBehavior optional join type to use (defaults to Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

Return Value

Collection|Cart[] List of ChildCart objects

in Customer at line 3532
Collection|Cart[] getCartsJoinAddressRelatedByAddressInvoiceId( Criteria $criteria = null, ConnectionInterface $con = null, string $joinBehavior = Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.

Otherwise if this Customer is new, it will return an empty collection; or if this Customer has previously been saved, it will retrieve related Carts from storage.

This method is protected by default in order to keep the public api reasonable. You can provide public methods for those you actually need in Customer.


Criteria $criteria optional Criteria object to narrow the query
ConnectionInterface $con optional connection object
string $joinBehavior optional join type to use (defaults to Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

Return Value

Collection|Cart[] List of ChildCart objects

in Customer at line 3557
Collection|Cart[] getCartsJoinCurrency( Criteria $criteria = null, ConnectionInterface $con = null, string $joinBehavior = Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.

Otherwise if this Customer is new, it will return an empty collection; or if this Customer has previously been saved, it will retrieve related Carts from storage.

This method is protected by default in order to keep the public api reasonable. You can provide public methods for those you actually need in Customer.


Criteria $criteria optional Criteria object to narrow the query
ConnectionInterface $con optional connection object
string $joinBehavior optional join type to use (defaults to Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

Return Value

Collection|Cart[] List of ChildCart objects

in Customer at line 3574
void clearCouponCustomerCounts()

Clears out the collCouponCustomerCounts collection

This does not modify the database; however, it will remove any associated objects, causing them to be refetched by subsequent calls to accessor method.

Return Value


See also


in Customer at line 3582
resetPartialCouponCustomerCounts($v = true)

Reset is the collCouponCustomerCounts collection loaded partially.



in Customer at line 3599
void initCouponCustomerCounts( boolean $overrideExisting = true)

Initializes the collCouponCustomerCounts collection.

By default this just sets the collCouponCustomerCounts collection to an empty array (like clearcollCouponCustomerCounts()); however, you may wish to override this method in your stub class to provide setting appropriate to your application -- for example, setting the initial array to the values stored in database.


boolean $overrideExisting If set to true, the method call initializes the collection even if it is not empty

Return Value


in Customer at line 3622
Collection|CouponCustomerCount[] getCouponCustomerCounts( Criteria $criteria = null, ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Gets an array of ChildCouponCustomerCount objects which contain a foreign key that references this object.

If the $criteria is not null, it is used to always fetch the results from the database. Otherwise the results are fetched from the database the first time, then cached. Next time the same method is called without $criteria, the cached collection is returned. If this ChildCustomer is new, it will return an empty collection or the current collection; the criteria is ignored on a new object.


Criteria $criteria optional Criteria object to narrow the query
ConnectionInterface $con optional connection object

Return Value

Collection|CouponCustomerCount[] List of ChildCouponCustomerCount objects



in Customer at line 3678
Customer setCouponCustomerCounts( Collection $couponCustomerCounts, ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Sets a collection of CouponCustomerCount objects related by a one-to-many relationship to the current object.

It will also schedule objects for deletion based on a diff between old objects (aka persisted) and new objects from the given Propel collection.


Collection $couponCustomerCounts A Propel collection.
ConnectionInterface $con Optional connection object

Return Value

Customer The current object (for fluent API support)

in Customer at line 3712
int countCouponCustomerCounts( Criteria $criteria = null, boolean $distinct = false, ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Returns the number of related CouponCustomerCount objects.


Criteria $criteria
boolean $distinct
ConnectionInterface $con

Return Value

int Count of related CouponCustomerCount objects.



in Customer at line 3744
Customer addCouponCustomerCount( CouponCustomerCount $l)

Method called to associate a ChildCouponCustomerCount object to this object through the ChildCouponCustomerCount foreign key attribute.


CouponCustomerCount $l ChildCouponCustomerCount

Return Value

Customer The current object (for fluent API support)

in Customer at line 3771
Customer removeCouponCustomerCount( CouponCustomerCount $couponCustomerCount)


CouponCustomerCount $couponCustomerCount The couponCustomerCount object to remove.

Return Value

Customer The current object (for fluent API support)

in Customer at line 3803
Collection|CouponCustomerCount[] getCouponCustomerCountsJoinCoupon( Criteria $criteria = null, ConnectionInterface $con = null, string $joinBehavior = Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.

Otherwise if this Customer is new, it will return an empty collection; or if this Customer has previously been saved, it will retrieve related CouponCustomerCounts from storage.

This method is protected by default in order to keep the public api reasonable. You can provide public methods for those you actually need in Customer.


Criteria $criteria optional Criteria object to narrow the query
ConnectionInterface $con optional connection object
string $joinBehavior optional join type to use (defaults to Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)

Return Value

Collection|CouponCustomerCount[] List of ChildCouponCustomerCount objects

in Customer at line 3820
void clearCustomerVersions()

Clears out the collCustomerVersions collection

This does not modify the database; however, it will remove any associated objects, causing them to be refetched by subsequent calls to accessor method.

Return Value


See also


in Customer at line 3828
resetPartialCustomerVersions($v = true)

Reset is the collCustomerVersions collection loaded partially.



in Customer at line 3845
void initCustomerVersions( boolean $overrideExisting = true)

Initializes the collCustomerVersions collection.

By default this just sets the collCustomerVersions collection to an empty array (like clearcollCustomerVersions()); however, you may wish to override this method in your stub class to provide setting appropriate to your application -- for example, setting the initial array to the values stored in database.


boolean $overrideExisting If set to true, the method call initializes the collection even if it is not empty

Return Value


in Customer at line 3868
Collection|CustomerVersion[] getCustomerVersions( Criteria $criteria = null, ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Gets an array of ChildCustomerVersion objects which contain a foreign key that references this object.

If the $criteria is not null, it is used to always fetch the results from the database. Otherwise the results are fetched from the database the first time, then cached. Next time the same method is called without $criteria, the cached collection is returned. If this ChildCustomer is new, it will return an empty collection or the current collection; the criteria is ignored on a new object.


Criteria $criteria optional Criteria object to narrow the query
ConnectionInterface $con optional connection object

Return Value

Collection|CustomerVersion[] List of ChildCustomerVersion objects



in Customer at line 3924
Customer setCustomerVersions( Collection $customerVersions, ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Sets a collection of CustomerVersion objects related by a one-to-many relationship to the current object.

It will also schedule objects for deletion based on a diff between old objects (aka persisted) and new objects from the given Propel collection.


Collection $customerVersions A Propel collection.
ConnectionInterface $con Optional connection object

Return Value

Customer The current object (for fluent API support)

in Customer at line 3958
int countCustomerVersions( Criteria $criteria = null, boolean $distinct = false, ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Returns the number of related CustomerVersion objects.


Criteria $criteria
boolean $distinct
ConnectionInterface $con

Return Value

int Count of related CustomerVersion objects.



in Customer at line 3990
Customer addCustomerVersion( CustomerVersion $l)

Method called to associate a ChildCustomerVersion object to this object through the ChildCustomerVersion foreign key attribute.


CustomerVersion $l ChildCustomerVersion

Return Value

Customer The current object (for fluent API support)

in Customer at line 4017
Customer removeCustomerVersion( CustomerVersion $customerVersion)


CustomerVersion $customerVersion The customerVersion object to remove.

Return Value

Customer The current object (for fluent API support)

in Customer at line 4041
void clearCoupons()

Clears out the collCoupons collection

This does not modify the database; however, it will remove any associated objects, causing them to be refetched by subsequent calls to accessor method.

Return Value


See also


in Customer at line 4056
void initCoupons()

Initializes the collCoupons collection.

By default this just sets the collCoupons collection to an empty collection (like clearCoupons()); however, you may wish to override this method in your stub class to provide setting appropriate to your application -- for example, setting the initial array to the values stored in database.

Return Value


in Customer at line 4077
ObjectCollection|Coupon[] getCoupons( Criteria $criteria = null, ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Gets a collection of ChildCoupon objects related by a many-to-many relationship to the current object by way of the couponcustomercount cross-reference table.

If the $criteria is not null, it is used to always fetch the results from the database. Otherwise the results are fetched from the database the first time, then cached. Next time the same method is called without $criteria, the cached collection is returned. If this ChildCustomer is new, it will return an empty collection or the current collection; the criteria is ignored on a new object.


Criteria $criteria Optional query object to filter the query
ConnectionInterface $con Optional connection object

Return Value

ObjectCollection|Coupon[] List of ChildCoupon objects

in Customer at line 4107
Customer setCoupons( Collection $coupons, ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Sets a collection of Coupon objects related by a many-to-many relationship to the current object by way of the couponcustomercount cross-reference table.

It will also schedule objects for deletion based on a diff between old objects (aka persisted) and new objects from the given Propel collection.


Collection $coupons A Propel collection.
ConnectionInterface $con Optional connection object

Return Value

Customer The current object (for fluent API support)

in Customer at line 4135
int countCoupons( Criteria $criteria = null, boolean $distinct = false, ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Gets the number of ChildCoupon objects related by a many-to-many relationship to the current object by way of the couponcustomercount cross-reference table.


Criteria $criteria Optional query object to filter the query
boolean $distinct Set to true to force count distinct
ConnectionInterface $con Optional connection object

Return Value

int the number of related ChildCoupon objects

in Customer at line 4162
Customer addCoupon( Coupon $coupon)

Associate a ChildCoupon object to this object through the couponcustomercount cross reference table.


Coupon $coupon The ChildCouponCustomerCount object to relate

Return Value

Customer The current object (for fluent API support)

in Customer at line 4199
Customer removeCoupon( Coupon $coupon)

Remove a ChildCoupon object to this object through the couponcustomercount cross reference table.


Coupon $coupon The ChildCouponCustomerCount object to relate

Return Value

Customer The current object (for fluent API support)

in Customer at line 4218

Clears the current object and sets all attributes to their default values

in Customer at line 4258
clearAllReferences( boolean $deep = false)

Resets all references to other model objects or collections of model objects.

This method is a user-space workaround for PHP's inability to garbage collect objects with circular references (even in PHP 5.3). This is currently necessary when using Propel in certain daemon or large-volume/high-memory operations.


boolean $deep Whether to also clear the references on all referrer objects.

in Customer at line 4308
string __toString()

Return the string representation of this object

Return Value


in Customer at line 4320
Customer keepUpdateDateUnchanged()

Mark the current object so that the update date doesn't get updated during next save

Return Value

Customer The current object (for fluent API support)

in Customer at line 4334
Customer enforceVersioning()

Enforce a new Version of this object upon next save.

Return Value


in Customer at line 4346
boolean isVersioningNecessary($con = null)

Checks whether the current state must be recorded as a version



Return Value


in Customer at line 4381
CustomerVersion addVersion( ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Creates a version of the current object and saves it.


ConnectionInterface $con the connection to use

Return Value

CustomerVersion A version object

in Customer at line 4425
Customer toVersion( integer $versionNumber, ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Sets the properties of the current object to the value they had at a specific version


integer $versionNumber The version number to read
ConnectionInterface $con The connection to use

Return Value

Customer The current object (for fluent API support)

in Customer at line 4445
Customer populateFromVersion( CustomerVersion $version, ConnectionInterface $con = null, array $loadedObjects = array())

Sets the properties of the current object to the value they had at a specific version


CustomerVersion $version The version object to use
ConnectionInterface $con the connection to use
array $loadedObjects objects that been loaded in a chain of populateFromVersion calls on referrer or fk objects.

Return Value

Customer The current object (for fluent API support)

in Customer at line 4502
integer getLastVersionNumber( ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Gets the latest persisted version number for the current object


ConnectionInterface $con the connection to use

Return Value


in Customer at line 4522
Boolean isLastVersion( ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Checks whether the current object is the latest one


ConnectionInterface $con the connection to use

Return Value


in Customer at line 4535
CustomerVersion getOneVersion( integer $versionNumber, ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Retrieves a version object for this entity and a version number


integer $versionNumber The version number to read
ConnectionInterface $con the connection to use

Return Value

CustomerVersion A version object

in Customer at line 4550
ObjectCollection getAllVersions( ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Gets all the versions of this object, in incremental order


ConnectionInterface $con the connection to use

Return Value

ObjectCollection A list of ChildCustomerVersion objects

in Customer at line 4575
array compareVersion( integer $versionNumber, string $keys = 'columns', ConnectionInterface $con = null, array $ignoredColumns = array())

Compares the current object with another of its version.

print_r($book->compareVersion(1)); => array( '1' => array('Title' => 'Book title at version 1'), '2' => array('Title' => 'Book title at version 2') );


integer $versionNumber
string $keys Main key used for the result diff (versions|columns)
ConnectionInterface $con the connection to use
array $ignoredColumns The columns to exclude from the diff.

Return Value

array A list of differences

in Customer at line 4601
array compareVersions( integer $fromVersionNumber, integer $toVersionNumber, string $keys = 'columns', ConnectionInterface $con = null, array $ignoredColumns = array())

Compares two versions of the current object.

print_r($book->compareVersions(1, 2)); => array( '1' => array('Title' => 'Book title at version 1'), '2' => array('Title' => 'Book title at version 2') );


integer $fromVersionNumber
integer $toVersionNumber
string $keys Main key used for the result diff (versions|columns)
ConnectionInterface $con the connection to use
array $ignoredColumns The columns to exclude from the diff.

Return Value

array A list of differences

in Customer at line 4664
PropelCollection|array getLastVersions($number = 10, $criteria = null, $con = null)

retrieve the last $number versions.



Return Value

PropelCollection|array \Thelia\Model\CustomerVersion[] List of \Thelia\Model\CustomerVersion objects

in Customer at line 4677
boolean preSave( ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Code to be run before persisting the object


ConnectionInterface $con

Return Value


in Customer at line 4686
postSave( ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Code to be run after persisting the object


ConnectionInterface $con

at line 366
boolean preInsert( ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Code to be run before inserting to database


ConnectionInterface $con

Return Value


at line 383
postInsert( ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Code to be run after inserting to database


ConnectionInterface $con

at line 391
boolean preUpdate( ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Code to be run before updating the object in database


ConnectionInterface $con

Return Value


at line 401
postUpdate( ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Code to be run after updating the object in database


ConnectionInterface $con

at line 409
boolean preDelete( ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Code to be run before deleting the object in database


ConnectionInterface $con

Return Value


at line 419
postDelete( ConnectionInterface $con = null)

Code to be run after deleting the object in database


ConnectionInterface $con

in Customer at line 4760
array|string __call( string $name, mixed $params)

Derived method to catches calls to undefined methods.

Provides magic import/export method support (fromXML()/toXML(), fromYAML()/toYAML(), etc.). Allows to define default __call() behavior if you overwrite __call()


string $name
mixed $params

Return Value


$this setDispatcher( EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher)


EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher

Return Value




at line 58
createOrUpdate( int $titleId, string $firstname, string $lastname, string $address1, string $address2, string $address3, string $phone, string $cellphone, string $zipcode, string $city, int $countryId, string $email = null, string $plainPassword = null, string $lang = null, int $reseller, null $sponsor = null, int $discount, null $company = null, null $ref = null, bool $forceEmailUpdate = false, int $stateId = null)


int $titleId customer title id (from customer_title table)
string $firstname customer first name
string $lastname customer last name
string $address1 customer address
string $address2 customer adress complement 1
string $address3 customer adress complement 2
string $phone customer phone number
string $cellphone customer cellphone number
string $zipcode customer zipcode
string $city
int $countryId customer country id (from Country table)
string $email customer email, must be unique
string $plainPassword customer plain password, hash is made calling setPassword method. Not mandatory parameter but an exception is thrown if customer is new without password
string $lang
int $reseller
null $sponsor
int $discount
null $company
null $ref
bool $forceEmailUpdate true if the email address could be updated.
int $stateId customer state id (from State table)



at line 160
Lang getCustomerLang()

Return the customer lang, or the default one if none is defined.

Return Value

Lang Lang model

at line 184
integer getLang()

Get lang identifier

Return Value

integer Lang id

See also


at line 201
$this setLang( integer $langId)

Set lang identifier


integer $langId Lang identifier

Return Value

$this Return $this, allow chaining

See also


at line 224
Address getDefaultAddress()

Return Value


at line 292
String getUsername()

Return the user unique name

Return Value


at line 300
bool checkPassword( string $password)

Check a string against a the user password


string $password

Return Value


at line 308
void eraseCredentials()

Removes sensitive data from the user.

This is important if, at any given point, sensitive information like the plain-text password is stored on this object.

Return Value


at line 317
Role[] getRoles()

Returns the roles granted to the user.

public function getRoles() { return array('USER'); }

Return Value

Role[] The user roles

at line 325
String getToken()

return the user token (used by remember me authnetication system)

Return Value


at line 333
setToken( string $token)

Set a token in the user data (used by remember me authnetication system)


string $token

at line 341
String getSerial()

return the user serial (used by remember me authnetication system)

Return Value


at line 346

at line 358
setSerial( string $serial)

Set a serial number int the user data (used by remember me authnetication system)


string $serial