
Thelia is an open source tool for creating e-business websites and managing online content. Created in 2005, the new version of Thelia aims to be the next generation E-commerce system. It is based on Symfony 2 components and meets the following objectives : performance and scalability.



Thelia needs at least php 5.4 and works with php 5.5 and 5.6 for now. For the database, Thelia requires at least MySQL 5.5.

PHP extensions

Download Thelia

You can download Thelia in two different ways

From the Thelia website

Go to the thelia website ( and download it.

Using Composer

$ curl -sS | php
$ php composer.phar create-project thelia/thelia your-path 2.2.0 # replace 2.2.0 by the version of thelia you want

Install Thelia

First of all, create a vhost dedicated to Thelia and put the documentRoot in the web directory.

Here again you can install Thelia in two different ways

Using install wizard

with your favorite browser, navigate to the install directory :


For example, I have thelia downloaded at and my vhost is correctly configured, I have to go to this address :

Using cli tools

$ php Thelia thelia:install

and follow the instructions

After installing Thelia, remove the web/install directory

Thelia's structure

After the installation you have an architecture like this

www <- your web root directory
    thelia <- your thelia directory
        web <- the only directory accessible by your web server

Local directory

In this directory you can find four directories :

Template directory

The template directory contains all the templates for all Thelia's environment : front-office, back-office, email and pdf. For each type of templates a directory exists and contains as many template as you want but only one can be enabled (in the back-office panel -> Configuration -> System variables)

A good practice is to duplicate the default template and then modify to have a custom template. The default front-office template is highly customizable, see some example at

Web directory

The web directory is the only one accessible by your web server. It contains by default two controllers :

Other directories

The other directories are less important :

CLI Tools

Thelia has a command line tool that can help you automate repetitive tasks. Obviously you can develop your own command.


$ cd to/thelia/repository
$ php Thelia

If you use the command line without any argument, it will display all command and options available.

List of available commands :

command description example
admin:create Create a new administrator user $ php Thelia admin:create
admin:updatePassword Change administrator password $ php Thelia admin:updatePassword adminlogin [--pasword="..."]
cache:clear Invalidate cache $ php Thelia cache:clear [--env="..."] [--without-assets] [--with-images]
image-cache:clear Empty part or whole web space image cache $ php Thelia image-cache:clear [subdir]
generate:sql Generate SQL files $ php Thelia generate:sql [--locales="..."]
module:activate Activate a module $ php Thelia module:activate module-name
module:deactivate Deactivate a module $ php Thelia module:deactivate module-name
module:generate Generate all needed files for creating a new Module $ php Thelia module:generate module-name
module:generate:model Generate model for a specific module $ php Thelia module:generate:model module-name [--generate-sql]
module:generate:sql Generate the sql from schema.xml file for a specific module $ php Thelia module:generate:sql module-name
module:list get module list $ php Thelia module:list
module:refresh refresh module list $ php Thelia module:refresh
sale:check-activation check the activation and deactivation dates of sales, and perform the required action depending on the current date. $ php Thelia sale:check-activation
thelia:config Manage (list, get, set, delete) configuration variables $ php Thelia thelia:config [--secured] [--visible] COMMAND [name] [value]
thelia:dev:reloadDB erase current database and create new one. all your data will be lost $ php Thelia thelia:dev:reloadDB
thelia:generate-resources Outputs admin resources $ php Thelia thelia:generate-resources [--output[="..."]]
thelia:install Install Thelia $ php Thelia thelia:install

tip: you can get help on a command using php Thelia help COMMAND

Other useful commands

command description example
./ Reset the database, install fake data, create an administrator thelia2/thelia2
php setup/faker.php Install fake data (products, contents, orders, ...) $ php setup/faker.php [-c <number of categories>] [-p <number of products>] [-l <locale list>] [-r <real text>]
php setup/demo.php Install the data used by the demo site of Thelia
php setup/update.php Update your website for a new version of Thelia


Modules are the best way to extend Thelia functionalities. Payment and delivery methods are all modules.

The structure of a module is exactly the same as Thelia's core. A module can interact with the container in order to add its own services, to create new compilers, etc.

Thelia have a cli command to generate all needed files for creating a new Module : php Thelia generate:module MyModule


        config.xml   <- mandatory
        module.xml   <- mandatory
    MyModule.php <- mandatory

Config.xml content

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

<config xmlns=""

            <loop name="MySuperLoop" class="MyModule\Loop\MySuperLoop" />

            <form name="MyFormName" class="MyModule\Form\MySuperForm" />

            <command class="MyModule\Command\MySuperCommand" />

            <service id="" class="MyModule\MySuperService"/>

            <hook id="mymodule.hook" class="MyModule\Hook\MySuperHook" scope="request">
                <tag name="hook.event_listener" event="main.body.bottom" type="front|back|pdf|email" method="onMainBodyBottom" />

        <exports> </exports>

        <imports> </imports>

Tag Description


Declare a loop. Name and class properties are mandatory. The name is a unique key and the class is the full namespace for the loop class.


Declare a form. Name and class properties are mandatory. The name is a unique key and the class is the full namespace for the form class.


Declare a command. Name property is mandatory. The class is the full namespace for the command class.


Services are the exact same notion as for Symfony services. See the dedicated chapter below


Hooks are the entry points thanks to which modules will insert their own code. To configure hooks, you must declare them in the config.xml file. Example :

<hook id="mymodule.hook" class="MyModule\Hook\MySuperHook" scope="request">
    <tag name="hook.event_listener" event="main.body.bottom" type="front" method="onMainBodyBottom" />

On the hook node, id and class are mandatory. The id is a unique identifier and the class is the full path to the class.

On the tag node, name and event are mandatory. The others are not mandatory, here are more details :

  • name="hook.event_listener" : this never changes.
  • event : represents the hook code to which it wants to respond.
  • type : indicates the context of the hook : frontOffice (default), backOffice, pdf or email.
  • method : indicates the name of the method to call. By default, it will be based on the name of the hook . eg : for product.additional hook, the method will be called onProductAdditional (CamelCase prefixed by on).
  • active : allows you to activate the hook (set to 1 - default) or not (set to 0) once the module is installed


<export id="" class="Your\ExportHandler" category_id="the.category_id">
  <descriptive locale="en_US">
      <title>Your export title </title>
      <!-- you may add an optional description -->
      <description> ... </description>
  <descriptive locale="fr_FR">
      <!-- Here's for another locale -->

On the export node, id, class and category_id properties are mandatory. The id is a unique identifier and the class is the full path to the class.

category_id possible values are :

  • thelia.export.customer : Exports the customers' data
  • thelia.export.products : Exports the products' data
  • thelia.export.content : Exports the contents' data
  • thelia.export.order : Exports the orders' data
  • thelia.export.modules : module related exports

You can also create a custom category if you want. For this you have to put something like below :

    <export_category id="">
        <title locale="en_US">A title</title>
        <title locale="fr_FR">Un titre</title>
    <export_category id="">
        <!-- here's another import category -->


<import id="" class="Your\ImportHandler" category_id="the.category_id">
    <descriptive locale="en_US">
        <title>Your import title </title>
         <!-- you may add an optional description -->
         <description> ... </description>
    <descriptive locale="fr_FR">
        <!-- Here's for another locale -->

On the import node, id, class and category_id properties are mandatory. The id is a unique identifier and the class is the full path to the class.

category_id possible values are :

  • thelia.import.customer : Imports the customers' data
  • thelia.import.products : Imports the products' data
  • thelia.import.content : Imports the contents' data
  • thelia.import.order : Imports the orders' data
  • thelia.import.modules : module related imports

Module.xml content

Module.xml file is a description of your module. It includes the author's name, his contact details, module version and the version of Thelia it is compatible with.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <descriptive locale="en_US">
        <title>Atos-sips payment module</title>
    <descriptive locale="fr_FR">
        <title>module de paiement Atos-sips</title>
        <name>Manuel Raynaud</name>
Tag Description


The full namespace of the module's main class.


This block can be repeated for as many locale as you want. It includes a title, subtitle, description and postscriptum. Only the title is mandatory.


Module version


Author information. It includes a name, a company, an email and a website tag. Only the name is mandatory


The type of your module. It can be :

  • payment : your module is a payment gateway.
  • delivery : your module is a delivery platform.
  • classic : all other types of modules.


Which version of Thelia your module is compatible with.


Your module stability. Can be one of the value below :

  • alpha
  • beta
  • rc
  • prod
  • other


Thelia uses the Symfony-cmf Routing component, so it's possible to declare as many routers as are needed and add them in this routing component. If you need to add a router you can do it in two different ways

The default behavior

All you have to do is to create a file named routing.xml in your Config directory. Thelia will configure a new router and set a default priority (150) to it.

Custom routing

If you need a custom configuration for your routing, you can declare a new service and tag this service and put router.register for the name property and the priority you want.

Here is an example :

<service id="router.front" class="%router.class%">
    <argument type="service" id="router.module.xmlLoader"/>
    <argument type="collection">
        <argument key="cache_dir">%kernel.cache_dir%</argument>
        <argument key="debug">%kernel.debug%</argument>
    <argument type="service" id="request.context"/>
    <tag name="router.register" priority="128"/>


Your module may need to create tables, generate model classes and interact with Thelia's model. How to do ?

  1. Create the file schema.xml in your Config directory.
  2. Fill schema.xml file, you can find all the information you need in Propel documentation.
  3. Use the CLI tools to generate model and sql (php Thelia module:generate:model MyModule --generate-sql).

Note : it's better to put the namespace property on each table attribute instead of the database attribute.

Main class

The main class in your module is the most important file. This class is used when the module is activated or deactivated.

Most of the time this class will have the same name as your module directory. If my module directory is Atos, my main class will be Atos too and the full namespace will be Atos\Atos.

Depending of the type of your module, this class must extend a specific abstract class. Here is a list of all abstract classes :

AbstractDeliveryModule and AbstractPaymentModule classes extend the BaseModule class.

Some methods in BaseModule can be useful if you want to interact with Thelia during the installation or the removal process. You just have to overload the method you want and implement your code.

Method Description


This method is called before the module activation, and may prevent it by returning false.


This method is called just after the module was successfully activated. If an exception is thrown the procedure will be stopped and a rollback of the current transaction will be performed.


This method is called before the module deactivation, and may prevent it by returning false.


This method is called just after the module was successfully deactivated. If an exception is thrown the procedure will be stopped and a rollback of the current transaction will be performed.


This method adds new compilers to Thelia container


This method must be used if your module defines hooks.

Specific methods for AbstractDeliveryModule

Method Description


This method is called by the Delivery loop, to check if the current module has to be displayed to the customer. This method must be implemented in your module


This method calculates and returns the delivery price. This method must be implemented in your module

Specific methods for AbstractPaymentModule

Method Description


Method used by payment gateways. This method must be implemented in your module


This method is called by the Payment loop, to check if the current module has to be displayed to the customer. This method must be implemented in your module


This method renders the payment gateway template. The module should provide the gateway URL and the form fields names and values. This method is a helper


Return the order payment success page URL


Redirect the customer to the failure payment page. If $message is null, a generic message is displayed.


Thelia templates use the Smarty template engine, enriched by many Thelia additions, such as loops, data access functions, internationalization function, etc


See Thelia structure for more information.

Every template should contain specific template files, which are the views invoked in the Front and Back Offices controllers. For a front-office template, these files are :

Assets management

Template assets are managed in a sub-directory of the template directory. For example, the default front-office template contains an 'assets' directory to store all template's assets.

To use this feature, you'll have to add some specific directives to your template files.


This directive tells Thelia's template system where your assets are located, e.g. the name of the root directory which contains all your assets.

Example :

{declare_assets directory="assets"}


This directive processes your CSS style sheets.

Example :

{stylesheets file="assets/css/*.less" filters="less"}
    <link href="{$asset_url}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

This block returns only one parameter, $asset_url, which is the asset URL in the web directory, e.g. under the web/assets path.

List of parameters

Parameter Description


This is the path to the file (or files, as jokers like '*' are allowed), relative to the template base path.


Apply a filter to the source(s) files. Available filters are :

  • less : compiles CSS using the LESS compiler
  • sass : compiles CSS using the SASS compiler
  • compass : compiles CSS using the Compass compiler


When in the templates files of a module, use this parameter to specify that the source of the asset has to be searched within the module's path instead of the main template path.


You may want to use an asset located in another template of the same type (for example, another front office template). To do so, specify the name of this template in the template parameter


This directive processes the static images used in your template.

Example :

{images file='assets/img/favicon.ico'}
    <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="{$asset_url}">

This block returns only one parameter, $asset_url, which is the asset URL in the web directory, e.g. under the web/assets path.

List of parameters

Parameter Description


This is the path to the file (jokers like '*' are NOT allowed), relative to the template base path.


When the asset is in a module directory, you need to use this parameter to specify that the source of the asset has to be searched within the module's path instead of the main template path.


You may want to use an asset located in another template of the same type (for example, another front office template). To do so, specify the name of this template in the template parameter


This directive processes your javascript files

Example :

{javascripts file='assets/js/script.js'}
    <script type="text/javascript" src="{$asset_url}"></script>

List of parameters

Parameter Description


This is the path to the file (or files, as jokers like '*' are allowed), relative to the template base path.


When the asset is in a module directory, you need to use this parameter to specify that the source of the asset has to be searched within the module's path instead of the main template path.


You may want to use an asset located in another template of the same type (for example, another front office template). To do so, specify the name of this template in the template parameter


If you want to create multilingual compatible templates, you have to pay special attention to : - static text - date formatting - number formatting

Thelia provides several Smarty functions to help you.


The {intl} function translates a string into the current language.

Example :

{intl l="This is a string to translate"}

List of parameters

Parameter Description


The l parameter contains the string that will be translated. This string should not contain any variable, such as {intl l="Hello, $name, how do you do ?"}, internal variables should be used instead. Every %varname found in the string will be replaced by the value of the varname parameter. For example: {intl l="Hello, %user, how do you do ?" user=$name} is fine.

If no translation can be found for a given string, the translator will return either the value of the l parameter, or an empty string, depending on the "Languages & URLs" parameters.


The d parameter is the message domain, a set of internationalized messages. Thelia contains the following domains :

  • core : for Thelia core translations
  • bo.template_name (eg : bo.default) : for each back-office template
  • fo.template_name (eg : fo.default) : for each front-office template
  • pdf.template_name (eg : pdf.default) : for each PDF template
  • email.template_name (eg : email.default) : for each email template
  • in modules :
    • module_code (eg : paypal) : for module core translations
    • (eg : : used in AdminIncludes templates
    • (eg : : used in back office template
    • (eg : : used in front office template

This parameter is mostly used in modules. Other templates (front-office, back-office, PDF and email) may use the {default_translation_domain} function to define a template-wide message domain, and the d parameter could then be omitted.

For example, in the layout.tpl file of the default front-office template, you'll find {default_translation_domain domain='fo.default'}.


When using {intl} in a Javascript string, the translated string may contain simple and/or double quotes, that should be escaped to prevent a syntax error.

To do so, use the js parameter, that will escape single and double quotes.

 var myString = '{intl l="A string with 'simple' and \"double\" quotes" js=1}';


Use this function to format a date according to the current locale standards.

example :

{format_date date=$dateTimeObject}

List of parameters

Parameter Description


A DateTime object (required)


The expected format. The current locale format will be used if this parameter is empty or missing


The type of desired ouput, one of :

  • date : the date only
  • time : the time only
  • datetime : the date and the time (default)


Use this function to format a number according to the current locale standards, or to a specific format.

Example :

Outputs "1246,12" if locale is fr_FR, 1 246.12 if locale is en_US
{format_number number="1246.12"}

List fo parameters

Parameter Description


Int or float number. (Required)


Number of decimals expected. If omitted, the current locale parameter is taken


Separator for the decimal point. If omitted, the current locale parameter is taken


Thousands separator. If omitted, the current locale parameter is taken

Loop system

Loops are the most convenient feature in Thelia for frontend developers. Already there in Thelia's first version, they have to be improved for Thelia v2. Loops allow to gather data from your shop and display them in your front view. In Thelia v2, loops are a Smarty v3 plugin.


{ifloop rel="my_associated_content_loop"}
    Associated contents for this product :
        {loop type="associated_content" name="my_associated_content_loop" product="12"}
                <a href="{$URL}">{$TITLE}</a>
{elseloop rel="my_associated_content_loop"}
    No associated content for this product

{loop} {/loop}

the loop function have at least two mandatory parameters :

Parameter Description


A unique name used to identify the loop in other functions (ifloop and elseloop)


The type of a loop is the type of data you want to retrieve. For the complete type list, see Thelia documentation at

Each loop type defines its own parameters, you can search this parameter in Thelia documentation.


{ifloop} and {elseloop} are conditional loops. They allow to define a different behaviour depending on if the a classic loop displays something or not.

A conditional loop is therefore linked to a classic loop using the rel attribute which must match a classic loop named attribute.


Contact :

Authors : Manuel Raynaud, Julien Chanséaume, Benjamin Perche, Franck Allimant, Gilles Bourgeat

Acknowledgements : Damien Souza, Stéphanie Pinet, Marion Laurent, Roxane Fabre